fifty-two | rose in hand, heart intact

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We held darkness in withheld clouds

I would ask, "Should we just keep driving?"

Keep Driving || Harry Styles


"Should we just keep driving?" Harry questions from the driver's seat, peering over to me with windswept curls clouding his vision. "Drive far, far away from here and never look back? Me n' you?"

"Where would we even go?" I question back with a laugh, shouting over the echoing wind blowing through the rolled down windows.

"Anywhere. I'll take you anywhere as long as it's away from here." There was a joke in his tone but I could feel the weight of his words.

"Germany- or Italy." I state confidently, "I'll go where it's green and quiet."

"Then it's settled. Me and you; Italy or Germany, i don't give a fuck as long as i have you."

I could imagine a life far from here. A life where we escape our doomed fate and spend our days living amongst the green grass and subdued sunshine. The kiss of warmth on our skin and the whistle of wind through our hair. The five of us, as a whole.

"Perfect. So now will you tell me what we're doing?" I prod, still in the dark on our venture for the day.

"I told you already."

"No, you told me to tell Mac to meet us at Steele's and that you were ten minutes from the house to pick me up," I speak matter of factly, recalling my memory to make sure i texted Mac to head to Steele's when he was finished with his errands. "Which by the way; can you stop giving me minimal warning about your arrival? Can we agree that you'll work on that? Because this 'be ready in 10' shit really is not fair to me."

Harry's body shifts slightly, angling towards me with the removal of one hand from the wheel, pretending to bow in my presence, "Yes, my Queen. Your wish is my command."

My audible gags echo through the car at Harry's remark, "Don't ever say that shit again."

"Yes, my Queen," he rattles again with a childish laugh, "And we're going to Steele's to set up for the party."

"The party?"

"Yeah? I didn't tell you?" I shook my head in response, "Steele throws a huge party once a year for all the employees and colleagues, stupid shit like that. Basically makes us his bitch for the day to help set up, and unlucky for you, now that you're with us, you also have to help."

"Steele doesn't seem like the party type," i cock my head at Harry, my vision crowded with wind blown hair; something I'm getting used to after being around Harry for so long.

Rolled down windows, an ever changing radio station, and a quick stop when the car becomes a little too much.

Since the motorcycle, Harry's seemed a lot more relaxed. It feels like now the world isn't controlling him so much, rather he has a little control over his own world now. Instead of the window being fully rolled down, it's only half way now and the radio station only changes when he gets sick of a song. The stops are few and far in between, almost nonexistent.

I want to tell him how happy I am, proud that he's doing something for himself but I won't in fear that I'll embarrass him or push him back in progress. So, for now, I'll sit silently in the sidelines, cheering him on as he strides towards the finish line.

"No, you're right; he's not. Which is why he only does it once a year and makes us provide free labor. I'm sure he'll tell you more when we get there." He keeps his grip on the steering wheel, waving the other one off with disdain at the thought of today.

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