fifty-eight | without interruption

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If a man talks shit, then I owe him nothing

I don't regret it one bit, 'cause he had it coming

I Did Something Bad || Taylor Swift 


This is apart of a triple update, be sure to read chapter 57 before starting this one and stick around to read chapter 59 after! Enjoy babies! <3


The first time we came here, the car ride felt like hours instead of minutes. Each mile was insufferable silence or useless small talk but now, so much has changed in such a short time it's almost as if I've lived two separate lifetimes simultaneously.

My hand held tightly, fingers interlocking with Harry's as we cruised down the empty road leading up to the mansion. His thumb drew small circles on mine, aimlessly humming to the radio oh so softly. The world felt as if it had shifted into peace seamlessly with him beside me.

I was able to fully ignore the single rolled down window and the radio shuffling for only a moment or two before he settled on something to sing to me. I didn't mind, I could never get tired of the way his voice sounds in these moments.

Pulling into the driveway, I felt a twist in my chest. It wasn't quite nerves but it wasn't not nerves. I'm confident in myself but I doubt Steele, rightfully so.

There was an extra car parked in the driveway near the front entrance reminding me that Harry hadn't warned Steele we were coming. I preferred he didn't, it's better this way. Even if I may be momentarily intruding on whatever he has going on today.

I'll be fast. All I need is a minute of his time.

The car settled into park, my seatbelt clicking off before we had even come to a full stop. My right hand found the handle, letting Harry know I was ready. He moved to follow but I pulled my grip from him, stopping his motions.

"No, stay." I instructed.

"What? No way, no. I'm coming with you." His tone was insistent but I'm not budging. If I'm doing this, I'm doing it the way I want it to be done.

"No, please. I want to do this myself." I explained softly, trying to level my tone. "If you're there, it could make things worse. He might get defensive or aggressive. If anything happens, it's not like I'm very far. I'll be okay. Please, stay here."

I watched the mental cogs turning in his mind, weighing his options like a equality balance. The branches teetering back and forth before looking at me with a strike of confidence.

"Okay, blue; i'll stay. I trust your judgment." Hesitant but honest, "But i swear to fucking god, if anything happens; i'll kill him and you for scaring me. You hear me?"

I drew a haphazard 'X' over my heart with a reassuring smile, "Loud and clear."

I leaned over the center console, my lips meeting Harry's in a soft kiss. I breathed him in for a moment, taking his taste with me for good luck. I pulled back, both of us sighing away from loss of touch.

Without another moment of thought or deliberation, I climbed out of the car and up the front steps. The french doors were left unlocked and I so graciously let myself inside.

The space was clean, much different from a week ago during the party. Everything was back in its respective spots with not a fiber out of place. The smell of alcohol and food now replaced with the usual scent of cedar and tobacco. It's as if the events of the past never even occurred here.

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