sixty-four | before the clock runs out

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You're insane, what you said when I explain the game plan

Nothing's changed, except a little more change in my hand

No Grey || The Neighbourhood


It's Tuesday.

There are 16 days left and it's finally Tuesday.

I had managed to mostly forget about today until I woke up this morning. I had filled my weekend with boastful bragging, finding anyway to rub my win in Harry's face and there was even a brief period where Mac joined in on the fun. Harry took it as well as he could but even then, I could still see his patience wearing thin.

I had taken a break last night from my jokes, giving Harry a much needed moment to prepare because I knew today, with Jax showing up; no one would be showing mercy.

If my situation was any different, today wouldn't be happening. The day of the party I would've left this business with what little pride I had left, and never returned but I need Elias more than I need my ego.

I want him home for me. I want him home for Mac. I want him to meet Harry and fall in love with him the same way we have; flaws and all. I want him home to make my favorite dinners and watch our favorite shows.

I want my dad back. The only dad I have ever and will ever have; we need him home.

So ill shove my ego up my ass, bite my tongue and walk into that house like it was fucking made for me.

Jax texted Harry 20 minutes ago he was on his way and since then, he hasn't sat still. I don't know what is wrong or why it has him bugged but I can see it wearing on his face.

I stayed in my spot on the couch as the doorbell rang with Harry quickly tending to it and within seconds the booming sound that is Jax was filling the small house.

"Daddy's home, fuckers!" Jax shouted as he made his way towards the living room.

"Would you please shut the fuck up," Harry mumbled with defeat, both of them coming into view. His fingers pinched the bridge of his nose with a deep sigh, evidently over the situation.

"Maccy boy! Little G! Miss me?" Sunglasses covered his eyes and there was no sign of him moving to take them off anytime soon.

I shook my head with a laugh as we all came together. As I've gotten to know Jax I've watched his tough, hardened exterior fade to a goofy, pain in the ass. Harry sits on a single thread of patience when Jax turns on his act but I can tell he loves him like he was a brother.

"Are we ready to blow this bitch? Ready for Steele to go all Mike Tyson on her ass?" The single comment from Jax had Harry's jaw twitching, clenching with anger.

He leaned into my side, wrapping his arm around my waist to pull me close as he softly whispered into my ear, "Can I please talk to you for a second?"

My eyes found his, and I instinctively wanted to iron out the knit of his brows but instead I nodded with a comforting smile and followed him to my bedroom as Mac and Jax made conversation amongst themselves.

I walked through first, letting him hold the door to close it behind me. He paced the small open space for a moment before coming to a halt in front of me.

"What's wrong, Harry?" My head cocked, chin turning up at him.

He shook his head roughly, "I don't want to do this, blue. I don't want you going there. We don't have to do this. We can find another way, please baby. Let's stay home, we can-"

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