twelve | good girl

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I'm fucked in the head, 

and my mind is turning into a whore

W.D.Y.W.F.M. || The Neighbourhood


"I don't understand why the hell I have to go." Mac stood in the frame of my door as I shuffled my feet across the wood floor around my room, picking up the thrown laundry from the ground, putting it into the basket on my hip.

I angle my body towards Mac, blowing a small puff of breath upwards to try and tame the unruly hairs in my faces. "You have to come because it's important we're all on the same page. I know this job may seem small in comparison to what we've done before but this is their whole group on the line."

Harry had texted me around twenty minutes ago to come by his place today and to bring Mac with me. He wouldn't explain much over the phone other than this was a big deal because it involved someone from their own business. It's vital that we do the job, and we do it really fucking well, without a single hitch. I was already on edge not knowing how today was going to go with the four of us all interacting with one another at the same time, so I needed to make sure I do everything I can to ensure everything would go smoothly when it came time to do the job.

"What if Harry tries to be all fucking fake again today? It's going to really piss me off and if his dumb ass roommate starts shit too it's only going to make me even more mad." I didn't have to be looking at Mac to know the expression he had on his face. I let out a small giggle at the irritation laced in his voice.

"Oh my gosh, it's okay. Something tells me Harry is going to be more serious today." I try to reassure Mac with a small smile painted across my lips. "This is his job, our job now, it's incredibly important to him and his roommate. I get you want to protect me but i'm a big girl, i'm not scared of him. They're both fucking pussy's anyways." I gave Mac a wink as I slid past his body in my door frame, making my way to the laundry room. I could hear his feet pacing behind me as I walk, letting me know the conversation isn't over yet.

I could hear a small groan fall from his lips as I loaded the laundry into the washing machine, adding in my citrus detergent and fabric softener. I glance over my shoulder to see Mac standing near the door to the small room, head leaned against the wall, with a stern guise. I shake my head slightly with a light laugh, turning back to focus on the task at hand.

"I'm well aware you can handle your own shit Grey, but it's still not okay." Mac's voice was stern, his tone not wavering as he spoke. "I don't care how serious today is supposed to be, i'm not going to watch them treat you like crap. You're worth more than that."

I shut the door to the washing machine and turn around, walking closer to Mac. I bring my hands up and grasp his shoulders, giving them a small squeeze before giving him a little shake.

"It's okay, just relax. I fucking hate them just as much as you, but i've learned that the sooner we get it over with, the better." I emphasize each word leaving my lips hoping they get through his head. I don't give him time to overthink my statement instead, I squeeze past his body and head into my room to get ready to leave.

It took me a short amount of time to get ready, I made sure to move a little faster today knowing that Mac was already ready to leave the house. I wanted to get this shit over with already. The meeting today, the job, selling the car, all of it. I wanted to get through this first job as soon as possible, so we could be one step closer to having our family back together.

I wasn't nervous about today, I knew what to expect around everyone. Harry was going to be a piece of shit like usual, Jax was going to be as blunt as humanly possible, and Mac was going to whip his metaphorical dick out to try an act tough. The amount of testosterone in that house is going to be fucking suffocating. No span of time around Harry or Jax will make their presence tolerable, so it's best to just accept my fate now and know i'm going to spend the next few days in fucking misery.

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