twenty-four | five pounds of pressure

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You're dangerous

I'm lovin' it

Toxic || 2WEI



This chapter contains graphic descriptions of violence!


"Harry, who the fuck are they?"

My eyes were shifting back and forth rapidly between Harry and the cars in front of us. I could feel my heart slamming against my ribs, knocking the wind out of my lungs with every thump.

"Grey, if I knew who they were I wouldn't be loading my fucking gun." Harry's voice was calm as he spoke, sending a chill up my spine from the calmness in his demeanor. The cars ahead were quiet, there was no movement which only raised my stress levels even higher, but Harry sat beside me unphased. "I gotta get a hold of Jax and then I'm gonna get us out of this, okay?"

I nodded swiftly, tugging my lips in between my teeth as I drummed my fingers against the steering wheel. Harry took his phone out, sending a cake emoji to Jax just like he said he would. Within a matter of seconds Jax is calling with Mac in a group call, making sure we were all on the same page.

"How many?" Jax's voice broke through the line as if he already knew what was happening.

"Four. They're around the exit, we're blocked in."

"Mac and I will stay on the line and figure this shit out. You and Grey just fuckin stay alive, got it?"

Harry spit out a rushed "got it", before hanging up the phone and directing his attention back at me.

"Pull up closer to them but I want you to turn to the left, we need to be sideways in front of them. Hurry up, they're gonna start shooting once we move."

Harry's words didn't even process in my brain before my hand was turning the wheel as far as it could go. I was on complete autopilot, letting the adrenaline take over my body. I pressed on the gas, keeping the wheel turned as fast as the large vehicle would let me.

I didn't even have time to finish angling the truck before bullets flew through the air. I couldn't watch the SUVs as they fired at us, I could just hear the repetitive bullets whizzing by, impaling into the metal exterior of the car. Harry was returning fire while keeping his head ducted. He gave my back a slight push down, trying to motion my head away from the bullets.

When the car was parallel to the other vehicles I threw the car into park. I peeked over Harry's body in the passenger seat. There were four cars, each had an uncertain amount of people shooting out of the windows.

"Take your gun out and start helping damnit." Harry gritted at me from the passenger seat as I stared out the window in shock. "I know you brought your gun, you need to help me if we're gonna get out of here."

I reached behind my back, pulling my gun from the waistband of my pants. I brought it up, shooting over Harry's head. There was no point in aiming when there was no one to aim at, it was all a shot in the dark at this point.

I squeezed on the trigger, the gun immediately cocking back in my hand from the force of the shot. My body flinched with every shot from the opposing line of fire, fear coursing through my body of something happening to one of us. The smell of sulfur from the rapid firing filled the air. The loud hiss of tires flattening flooded our car letting me know we were hitting something at least. I could tell by the levelness of the truck that our tires were intact and hopefully they fucking stay that way.

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