seventy-eight | when lightning strikes

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I just wanted you to know 

That this is me trying

This Is Me Trying || Taylor Swift


This is apart of a double update, be sure to read chapter 77 before starting this one! Enjoy babies <3


Harry's P.O.V.

"I'm going to get revenge for my son."

The tension between us runs thick and I can feel time counting down until the bomb explodes. My brain is fumbling to formulate a response, not wanting to cut the wrong wire and detonate it too early.

"What do you mean, Elias?" I step forward, he takes one back telling me to ease up on my approach so he doesn't bolt before I have a chance to figure this all out. "No offense man, but you are in no fucking shape to do anything right now."

The air goes still as the timer ticks down. His eyes are sunken in, searching around the room for an escape before this whole thing blows wide open. I'm trying to keep my voice down, not wanting to wake blue up and put her in the path of destruction but I'm afraid she's the only one who could de-escalate this situation.

"Why don't you just take a minute to think about-"

"Who the fuck do you think you are? Telling me what to do?" His gritted tone matches mine and he steps up with a weak sigh.

"I think I'm the only one thinking rationally right now."

Look, I agree, I'm playing with fire here but what can I say? I've always been a pyro.

"What? You spend a couple weeks here, playing house, and suddenly you know what's best for me and my family?"

Nope, yeah, that one stung.

I shove done the words begging to be spoken right now and instead I take a breath and count to five. Surely, he only has so much fight in him; I'll just keep this going until he's worn out, gives up and calls it a night.

"It was more than a couple weeks," I say back simply, unsure if I have a death wish for tonight.

"Are you trying to be fuckin' smart with me right now?"

"No," I shrug half-assed.

Blue would want to kill me if she heard me right now.

I guess it runs in the family.

"Look, Elias," I restart softly, keeping the image of blue's still broken heart in the forefront of my mind. It's her over my ego, a million times over. "Please, think about what you're doing. You're a grown man, I can't stop you but please- please, think about the girl behind that closed door. She can't lose any more."

For a moment, I see a flash of water well in his eyes but just as quickly as it presents, it dissipates, replaced with a flood of anger.

"Do not tell me about my family! Do not tell me what they do and don't need! I fucking raised them, you think i don't know?" His voice is heightened now, loud as he can muster and i cringe with each crack of his tone, "You're right, Mr. Styles, i am a grown fuckin' man."

He backs up once, pivoting towards the garage door exit and I have to stop myself from shouting, jumping, lunging; doing whatever would be necessary to stop him.

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