seventy-four | 2005

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My God, this reminds me

Of when we were young

When We Were Young || Adele


This is apart of a quadruple update, be sure to read chapters 72 & 73 before starting this one. Enjoy babies <3


Grey's P.O.V.

7 Years Old

They laughed at me when I said my favorite color was grey.

I like it because that's my name; Grey Monroe. But they laughed and said it stupid. Everyone else said they liked blue or pink or green but I was the only one who said grey.

I think it's a good color and a good name.

I won't tell them that though because they don't like me either way.

It's okay though because today is a good day. It's warm, it's lunch time, and for the first time this year I don't have a long sleeve on. Aunt Stephanie forgot to do laundry this week and all I had left was my old princess Belle shirt.

Everyone was looking at my arms funny but I didn't care because I got to feel the sun on my skin today.

I chose to sit on the bench by myself at lunch today, mainly because no one else would want to sit with me but also because it's right in front of the sun. I don't have anything to eat either but it's okay because I don't have to be sweaty today.

I watch the kids playing on the swings, pushing each other as high as they can. No one pays attention to me but right now, there's a boy in a blue shirt sitting on a bench across from me staring right at me.

Not just staring but scowling.

I look away quickly, making sure i don't stare back for too long. Uncle Eric says it's bad to stare at people. He doesn't like when I look him in the eyes, I get in trouble when I do.

I kick my feet against the floor, watching two girls from my class play hopscotch in the corner but I can't stop my eyes from going back to the bench. He's not sitting anymore, he's standing now with his arms crossed; still staring.

Stop staring, Grey.

That's what Uncle Eric would say.

You know what happens when you stare.

I do know what happens so I make sure to keep my eyes on the floor.

I did good, I kept my eyes on the floor until a pair of dirty, torn shoes appeared in front of me. I slowly look up, wincing as my eyes meet his.

He's smiling huge, like scary huge, like I think I'm in trouble and he's mad at me.

Do people smile when they're mad?

Sometimes Uncle Eric smiles when I've been bad and he gets angry at me.

I don't know what I did to make this kid mad though.

I looked between his dark blue shirt and his smile, back and forth until he slowly raised his sleeve. A rainbow of purples, blues, yellows and greens run up his little arm and I can't help but smile.

"Look, we're matching," he spoke through a toothy smile.

There's someone else, just like me.

I'm not alone.

He's not mad at me.

I look at my arm, then his, then back to mine but I don't say anything. I think I forgot how to talk.

"Wanna eat lunch together?" He sticks out his hand, offering me half of his sandwich and I nod so fast my neck feels like it's gonna snap in half.

I scooch over and tap the spot on the bench beside me, taking the sandwich without hesitation. I eat it like I haven't eaten all day, mostly because I haven't.

"My name's Mac, what's yours?"

"Grey," I state hesitantly, waiting for him to laugh.

"Like the color? That's a cool name, I like it."

I stop mid-chew, staring at his face, the blue reflecting onto his skin, "Thanks."

We sit quietly as we eat what's left of the sandwich halves and he never rolls his sleeve down. Instead, he holds his arm next to mine and eats without a care.

The lunch bell should be ringing any minute, but for the first time; i don't want lunch to end. I wanna sit with Mac even if we don't say anything.

"Thank you for the sandwich," I say honestly, smiling scary huge at him.

"You're welcome, I made it myself-" the lunch bell rings, cutting him off. We both go to stand but before we walk away he stops, "Wanna eat lunch together tomorrow?"

I nod quickly, "sure."

"Okay," he shrugs with a smile walking away. I stand frozen for a second watching him but halfway he stops and turns to shout, "We can play zombies and humans if you wanna?"

I nod again, unsure if this is a dream or not.

He smiles again, giving me a small wave, "See you tomorrow, Grey-like-the-color."

I stand still for so long I almost miss the second bell. I hurried to class, because Uncle Eric will get mad if he gets another complaint about me from the school. I think about Mac the whole way; about his smile, his shirt, his old shoes and the delicious sandwich.

For the first time, I can't wait to come to school tomorrow. I can't wait to go to lunch. I can't wait to hang out with my new friend.

Everyone is still giggling about me from this morning but I don't care because maybe grey isn't my favorite color.

I think my new favorite color is blue


see you again in 4 hours

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