twenty-eight | with everything*

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Let me touch you where you like it

Let me do it for ya

Sweat || Zayn


"What're you doing here?" I fumbled out as I stared into Harry's soft eyes just across the way from me.

"You texted me to come over." His words trailed off as he gave me a small half smile, both of us wearing the same confused expression.

"I did?"

"You did."

"I did." I whisper quietly to myself.

I knew I had texted him, I was nowhere near that drunk to forget; but it took me by surprise that he was actually here in front of me.

I didn't expect him to show, I had wiped the memory from my brain the best i could but here he is at my door.

I don't know why I feel nervous, why I feel like my heart is going to beat out of my chest at any moment. With each hammer of my heart, it felt like my breath was being stolen from my lungs, leaving me breathless.

"Are you drunk?" Harry's head was cocked to the side, eyebrows scrunched together as he studied my face curiously.

"No," I spit out entirely too quickly for it to be believable. "No, uh, no I'm not drunk. I mean I was drinking but I'm fine, ya know?" Harry's expression did not change as he watched me, the soft glow of the porch light above illuminating his tall stature. "You wanna come inside?"

He gave me a small hesitant nod as I gently opened the door, holding my arm out as a gesture for him to come inside. He stepped through softly as I closed the door behind him, looking around the interior of our home as if it was the first time he had ever seen it.

I didn't think the plan of him coming over fully because we're stood in the hallway like a couple of fucking idiots right now. It feels awkward, but not how it normally does. It feels awkward in the way that I don't want to mess anything up with him, I don't want any more missteps. I want us to finally take strides in the right direction, together, because it's obvious he's not going anywhere and to be honest; I don't want him to.

I tilted my head to the side with a sly smile as I stepped backwards towards my room, watching as his dimples indented as he took matching steps towards me.

My feet moved across the cool floor as I made it to my bedroom door, opening the heavy wooden fixture, stepping inside as I flipped on the overhead bedroom light. I waited for Harry to make his way inside before gently shutting the door, placing my forehead against it for a moment to try and settle the anxiety bubbling inside of me.

"So this is where the magic happens, huh?" Harry chuckled out lightly as he made small circles in place to take in the full design of the room. His eyes followed the photos on the wall, to the dresser top lined with jewelry, to my fashionably unmade bed, ending with his vision finally falling back onto me.

"If by magic you mean sleeping and self loathing, then yes, this is the fucking Disney World of bedrooms." I stood with a nervous smile, rocking back and forth on the heels of my feet as I twiddled my fingers behind my back, admiring Harry standing in front of me.

I couldn't look away from him, I didn't want to. I wanted to watch him forever. His chest was rising and falling at a gentle rhythmic pace, his green eyes blinking back at me, his teeth pulling at the skin of his full lips as he bites back a wide smile.

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