sixty-five | the last job

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Hit the road Jack and don't you come back

No more

Hit The Road Jack || 2WEI


This is apart of a double update, be sure to read this one and stick around for chapter 66 after! Enjoy babies! <3


"Jax, what the fuck is not computing in your fragile fucking mind? I let you win and when that wasn't good enough, I had to go ahead and kick your ass for real."

"No, no. You didn't let me win shit. You're just too much of a fucking pussy to admit it."

"Uno, Jax; it was a game of fucking Uno."

From my spot at the center island, I watch as Jax and Harry go back and forth at each other in the living room over what was supposed to be a fun, friendly, stress relieving game of uno that turned into World War III.

Last night as the orders slowly rolled in for our job today we had all made the collective decision to stay the night together here at our house. With strict demands to be on the road by 8 AM, it was the best call to have us all in one place.

To try and make the best of shit situation we agreed to a 'family fun' game night of Uno and shitty take out. Everything was going wonderful until Jax won a single round and made one too many boastful comments about Harry being a loser on every front. Harry let it go for a while until he finally snapped and told Jax he lied about his card color to let him win and from there; it all went downhill.

Jax insisted on a rematch, calling Harry every expletive known to man. Mac and I sat by in idle watch, both ready to break up a physical fight at any moment. When Harry finally caved to a rematch that ended in a victory in his favor, I swear I saw Jax die for a brief second.

There was a five minute back and forth of shouted swears and very personal insults before I had to step in and separate them as if they were two small children. If I didn't know any better I would truly believe them to be blood related in some way, shape or form.

I thought that a good night's rest would settle their tensions but I was swiftly proven wrong when the first words out of Jax's mouth this morning were something along the lines of Harry being a "bitch ass, pussy cunt".

Which leads us to where we are now. Me and Mac in the kitchen, watching with hesitancy. Harry and Jax in the open space of the living room, a few feet apart, shouting over a simple game of uno.

"Guys- Guys!" I shout over, snapping their attention to me, "As fun as this is, why don't we temporarily set our differences aside so we can get this job over with? It's 7:45, I think this has gone on long enough, yes?"

"I would love to move on little G, but you know what-"

"Ah-Ah" I halted Jax, his hands immediately folding over his chest, "I don't want to hear it, Jax. Put it on pause. We're moving on." Mac and I make our way to the living room, using ourselves as a barrier between Harry and Jax as we form a small circle, "Let's go over it all, one more time please?"

Jax's eyes rolled like a dramatic child as Harry cocked his head at him in satisfaction before returning to his grown age.

"When we head out, You and I will take the company car while Jax and Mac tail in my car and so help me god if you fuck up my car again Jax, ill fucking gut you," Jax hands raised in defense with a cocky smile, "We'll catch him somewhere close to the Arizona boarder. Then, Grey will send the message to you two letting you know we're branching off. You will get in place, blocking the road as if the car is broken down while we come from the back. While he's out of the car and distracted, Grey will hop in and it will all fall into place from there. One of you will take the company car and meet us at the lot for the warehouse so we can burn the car and-"

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