seventeen | half-empty glasses

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Are you bothered?

What's the problem here?

Greetings From Califournia || The Neighbourhood 


"Holy shit, you're right. His house is fucking huge." Mac exclaimed with shock as he leaned in between the driver and passenger seat from the rear of the car. His arms were draped over the two seats beside him, staring in awe, as we pulled up to the luxury mansion.

Harry texted me once he got home last night and we came to the mutual agreement that we would bring Mac to meet Steele today. So when he came to pick us up, we loaded into the car and the three of us made our way to Steele's.

The three of us.

My favorite number is three, but not this three.

See, I like my three. Mac, Elias, and me. It feels like a part of me is missing, and I feel guilty for filling his spot with Harry. I know that's not what I'm doing and it's not even comparable but I feel guilty not having Elias here with us.

Elias has always been everything I needed. He was the dad I needed when it was my first day of high school and I needed a ride. He was the mom I needed when I fell off my bike and scraped my knee. He was the brother I needed when Alex Miller broke my heart in seventh grade. He was the best friend I needed when there was a secret I wasn't supposed to tell anyone else. He took care of me after his dad did things to me that he couldn't do to his own son. He was everything in one.

He never had to take on those roles, but he did, without any hesitation or complaints.

None of us were dealt the best cards, but Elias went above and beyond to try and give me the best hand in life.

Knowing everything he's done for me in life, it's a no-brainer that I'm going to fight like hell to get him home. That's why it's important to keep moving forward, to keep pushing even when my body feels like it's giving out with each breath I take.

We pulled up, parking in front of the beautiful home I'm beginning to become familiar with. The hedges in the front are freshly trimmed and the emerald green grass glistened from the dewy water droplets coating their surface. When we stepped out, I adjusted the waistband of my jeans and the hem of my cropped top, pulling it down slightly to cover my stomach. I turned back to see Mac closing the car door, his face bright with adoration of the property in front of him. I told him the house was massive, but he didn't believe me till he finally saw it with his own eyes.

Harry led the way ahead of us, brushing his fingers through his hair as he walked to remove the stray hairs from his eyes. He seemed calm today, but I could tell coming here always made him nervous. I think Steele embarrasses him, which makes him act skittish.

I stayed quiet as I watched Harry's feet take calculated steps up the front stairs to the large wooden french doors. I could hear faint "oohs and ahhs" coming from Mac behind me.

Neither of us have been to a house this massive until now. I know the head of our group owns large properties but we've never seen them. Fuck, we've never even seen him. I don't know a name, face, age; we're in complete darkness. I know the people above us have seen him, but the three of us were chum; bottom of the food chain.

Everything with Harry is so different. We know Steele, we're at his home, we got an important job on the very first day. He trusts us, has faith in us, in ways we only dreamed of before. I mean, it's no company car but damn, its pretty fucking good compared to the shit we had.

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