sixty-seven | hidden gem

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Three times for the birthday bitch 

Fuck it up if it's your birthday bitch 

Birthday Bitch || Trap Beckham


"Soooo, what are the plans for today?"

I've heard this same question come out of Mac's mouth three times today and it's only 11 in the morning.

"We've been over this," My eyes roll dramatically with a cross of my arms over my chest, "We're going out to celebrate."

"Okayyy, but why though?" His words drag out like a child pestering for a new toy.

"Becausee," I mock back teasingly, "Harry said Steele has officially settled on a pay out for this job. Something about them wanting to go out and celebrate it being the last job and Eli coming home soon."

"That's all?"

"Yes, Mac. That is all. Why?"

His shoulders shrug innocently with a cheeky grin biting at his face, "No reason."

And with that, he's scurrying off again like a little mouse.

I would be lying saying he hasn't been driving me mad out of my mind all morning but it's Mac and that's how he is; inquisitive, persistent and determined.

They're great qualities just not my favorite when i've barley opened my eyes and hes standing over my bed like a fucking hawk stalking its prey, just waiting to get his first words of the day out.

Who needs an alarm clock when I have a 6 foot tall, brown haired, golden retriever best friend to wake me up?

Harry and Jax had left late last night after being here since Wednesday. In a matter of 3 days we had managed to turn the living room into a bedroom for the four of us, the kitchen to a frat house snack cabinet, and the TV turned to our own personal home theater.

Waking up this morning felt like the saddest Saturday in existence. The den was empty, the kitchen cleaned and the TV powered off promptly as they left. It's quiet with just Mac and I but I understood that the last three days were not permanent but it was fun to dream.

The boys can't stay away long though. Before the door had even shut last night they were plotting their day so they could be here as early as the day would allow them.

There's a constant gnawing inside of me; guilt eating away at me when I remember we're doing this all without the one person who made this life possible.

12 days and we can show him the good.

12 days and I'll introduce him to the newest members of our found family.

12 days and I can look him in the eye and tell him I love him again because I can't remember the last time I did.

We've slowly started preparing for him to be home. Mac ran out the other day and picked up some new clothes in a smaller size because it's an absolute guarantee he won't be the same man he was before he was taken. I've stocked up on all the essentials of his favorite snacks and drinks. Mac even went out of his way to clean up Eli's room; changing his sheets, cleaning the floor and dusting until it was spotless.

48 days ago I thought life was over; for better or worse. I thought the hours would feel like days and the days would feel like years but, instead, I think I've blinked and my life has just begun.

I spent most of the morning into the late afternoon tidying up the house which included cleaning up the mass amounts of pillows and blankets that we're sprawled across the living room and remnants of glass that was left over from Jax and Harry getting a little too carried away after Harry lied during a game of Clue by saying he didn't have Mrs. Peacock when very much did.

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