sixty-nine | zero to ten

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And i'll kneel down know my ground

And I will wait, I will wait for you

I Will Wait || Mumford & Sons


This is apart of a double update, be sure to read chapter 68 before starting this one! Enjoy babies <3


0 Days Left

It looks the same as it did 50 days ago.

The outside is casually worn to fit into the world but I know the true horror it holds.

I pulled into the backlot of the building, the same one Eli and I pulled into the day of the drop just moments before we'd be ripped from one another. I watch the metal door in front of me, planning out my course of action.

I know they know I'm here. The building is lit with cameras, not an inch goes without surveillance. Hell, they probably saw me the moment I hit the leading road to here.

The layout of the floor plan plays in my head. The route to C tower, the stairs that lead down to the basement. It's all locked into my mind like some sick fucking movie stuck on replay. The feeling of the metal chairs, the smell of the stale water and dried blood, the barely visible interior; it's like I'm there.

It's the fuel that I need to do what needs to be done.

I pulled the keys from the ignition, forcing them into my pocket as I looked to the passenger seat. My phone has been a nonstop string of incessant buzzing since I pulled from the driveway. An endless display of the caller ID plays on the screen with calls from Harry and Mac coming in every second, immediately followed by a strew of text messages. I haven't picked up or even unlocked my phone to see what they have to say because it's too late now; there's no going back.

They're watching. The small black camera hung above the metal door blinks red as it points towards my parked spot. They see me. They know I'm here and they're waiting for me so it's best I make them wait no longer.

I take one last deep breath in and out as I swing the door open and step out, moving to grab the duffle bags. I leave my phone laying on the seat, glancing one last time at the lit screen before closing the doors and sealing my fate.

My shoes crunch against the gravel and I can almost smell the basement from here if I think about it hard enough. My stomach turns at the thought of it and I work hard to fight the bile creeping up my throat, burning me from the inside out.

Reaching the door, I slam the bags to the ground, full rage coating my body as I look to the blinking light above me. My fists ball tight as I bring them up and slam them against the cold metal barrier separating me from them. There's a dull ache in my hands when I finally pull away, a soft lingering echo radiating the world around me.

"I have your fucking money!" I scream, leaning in just inches away from the door. "Open the fucking door!"

The world is quiet, silent and suffocating as the hushed summer wind whistles around me. I let a few heartbeats pass before I raise my fists again but before they can meet the surface there's the crackle of an intercom coming to life above me.

"There you are," I laugh out with a mix of frustration and satisfaction.

"Here we are," the familiar accent blares through the speakers.

"Open the fucking door, pussy. I have the fucking money, let Elias go."

Static buzzed as I made direct eye contact with the camera's lens. I'm impatiently waiting for their reply, hoping I'll be met with Elias above all.

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