eighteen | the calm before the storm

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Is it too soon to do this yet?

'Cause I know that it's delicate

Delicate || Taylor Swift


"I'm going to run some errands, i'll be back in a few hours!" Mac shouts from the opposite side of the shut door between us. I respond back with a simple 'okay' before hearing the front door to the house close behind him.

I paced around the floor of my room, picking up sprawled out pieces of laundry, tidying up small items as I went along. I stepped in front of the body length mirror, taking in my whole image before me. My hair was thrown atop of my head in a disheveled bun, an oversized navy blue shirt and black shorts covering my body; the ideal lazy day outfit. I wanted to spend as much of today relaxing as I could before the games today.

Tonight, Harry and I will play with each other. No cheats, no help, nothing; just the two of us. There can only be one winner, which means one of us is going home pissed and I've already decided it won't be me.

Mac and I agreed tonight's winnings would be kept to us. As much as we want to put every penny towards getting Elias home, we need to live. We need to pay for the house, groceries, utilities. So, while I'm kicking Harry's ass, Mac's going to be playing for us.

Harry and I haven't had time to talk about tonight. Since, he was such a fucking asshole yesterday I really haven't been in to mood to talk to him. I figure we'll meet each other there, ill win of course, then i'll come home and revel in my win while he returns home like the pathetic fucking loser he is.

I steal a quick glance at the clock, checking the time; 10:18 A.M.. I let out a huff, taking one last look at my messy appearance before making my way towards my door. I turned the handle and gently swung it open, watching my feet as I stepped through the hallways towards the living room.

"Good morning Blue." A voice speaks from the couch causing me to jump back and let out a small scream from fear. I look up to see Harry's body comfortably sitting in my living room.

"Fucking shit," I speak out, trying to calm my rapid breaths. "What the fuck are you doing in my house Harry?"

"Mac let me in."

"No shit, I mean why the fuck are you here? Get out." My face twists in annoyance at his presence.

Harry stands from his seat on the couch, smoothing his jeans out as he rises. He looks so different today. He was in a casual black shirt and jeans, an outfit completely outside of his normal range. I've never seen him look so relaxed before. He always comes around in button ups, hair fixed nicely. Today he looked calm, the most peaceful I've seen him.

He looked kind, gentle.

"I wanted to ask you to breakfast," his voice was low, rubbing the back of his neck in discomfort as he spoke. "You don't have to say yes, you shouldn't really, I wouldn't blame you."

"I'm sorry, are you asking me on a date right now?" I scrunch my nose at him, side eyeing him in confusion. "Because if you are, thats really fucking clingy and desperate of you." I repeated the words back to him from yesterday out of spite.

"Oh, fuck no, never. It's purely business. I want to talk about the game tonight. I figured a restaurant would be a nice neutral spot, less opportunities for us to fight or for you to throw water at me."

Breakfast with Harry sounds like a sick form of torture, but he's right. The more open space, the better. I have no limits when he pushes my buttons, we're lucky neither of us has ended up dead so far. We can't control ourselves when we are angry, it boils out of us with no bounds.

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