thirty-six | silence

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They could care less 

As long as someone'll bleed

Teenagers || My Chemical Romance


Harry's P.O.V.

You know whats shit about not being able to roll the windows up in a car without wanting to fucking cut my eyeballs out?

The weather.

I don't give a fuck what condition it is outside, this bitch stays down as long as i got a say in it. I'm talking; snow, rain, hail, wind, heat, all of it. I would rather sit here and suffer through all of that than sit with the feeling of panic I get from being in this enclosed piece of shit.

Ive tried everything, hell, i even bought my fucking dream car hoping it would help but honestly, yeah, money can't fucking buy happiness or in this case: mental stability.

For example; its over a hundred fucking degrees out today and no matter how badly i want to roll this fucking window up and blast the AC, i can't.

Instead, i'm sat here with the sun of a thousand fires beating down on me, the air coming from the vents barley cool enough to keep me from dying of heat stroke, and to really top it all off my fucking shirt is sticking to me which is only adding to my claustrophobia.

It's never too late to flip this bitch and call it a day, just really say one last fuck you to the world before i go.

But alas, i've got shit to do because my fucked up self had to stick my nose where it doesn't fucking belong and got myself involved in a whole mess of shit that wasn't my problem to begin with.

I guess that's not a fair judgement to make, blue isn't a problem and even if she were; i'd be glad she was my problem.

I wonder what she's doing right now.

It's still early, she's probably sitting with Mac drinking coffee, using her favorite cup, the one I used to purposely get under her skin. I knew what I was doing, it's cute to see her get irritated over things like that. She so effortlessly knows how to push my buttons, It's only fair that I do it back to her.

For someone with such a dark fucking past she sure does some domesticated shit.

An array of guns? Sure. A plethora of knives? I could see that. Hardcore drug addiction? Wouldn't be surprised. A collection of house plants? Did not see that shit coming.

The girl who would probably snap someone's neck without hesitation, is the same person who spends her free time shaking plants on the floor like a little foliage elf.

It's terrifying but in a cute way, honestly, just a little scared of her sometimes.

Which is why I'm just a tad bit nervous as to how she'll react when she finds out I'm doing this shit.

I left Steele's and began the drive to the warehouse immediately. I didn't want to waste time dicking around like an idiot when I had other shit I could be doing. Also, I just really don't want to do this bullshit today; but Steele knew what he was doing and he twisted my arm right into his trap, genius bitch.

Jax had let me know he was getting everything set up when i had called him which is one less thing i have to worry about. My goal is to get this over with as quick as i can, hopefully Jax is of some sort of help because this shit is his bread and butter. I mean the man lives and breathes chaos, i don't know why the fuck Steele even bothers asking me to do this crap when all he would have to do is glance in Jax's direction and he'd be on board.

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