seventy-seven | may

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No thing defines a man like love that makes him soft

And sentimental like a stranger in the park

Strawberry Wine || Noah Kahan


Harry's P.O.V.

"Alright, let's do this shit."

That's what I whisper to myself quietly as I stare at an array of plants in the dark living room, white-knuckling a watering can at my side.

It's been over 78 hours since Mac died.

I stopped counting somewhere around hour 46, finally putting my mind to rest as I drew soft, messy hearts against blue's delicate skin while her head laid buried against my chest.

It didn't come easy, her body pressed against mine; no, it came with a fight. It was weak and winded but a fight nonetheless. I welcomed it, with arms wide fucking open because for the first time in days; i saw life in her.

I spent hours begging her lifeless expression to look at me, to drink water, to eat a snack, to do anything except stare.

"You have to drink water, blue. You're going to get sick," My tone is soft as I plead for the thousandth time, hoping this is the one that gets through to her.

But it's not.

"This isn't healthy, baby, I don't know what to do." Nothing. It's always nothing.

I readjust from sitting criss-cross on the floor to my knees, while craning my head to lean it against the mattress just inches from her. Face to face, i'm searching her soft brown eyes for any form of life.

Nothing. It's still fucking nothing.

"Please, please blue. I-i can't lose you-"

Her eyes lock on mine for the first time in days and I can feel my heart stop in a beat.

"Blue, I mean it. I can't los-"

"Please-" Her voice breaks with a hoarse tone, "Please, shut the fuck up."

And as insane as it might be, all I can do is smile.

She didn't appreciate it, the smiling, but fuck if i care because in that moment i saw a spark in her and i'd be damned if i wasn't going to nurse that kindling to a flame.

Instinctively, I had gone to stroke her cheek as she glared lovingly into my soul but I was quickly shot down by a swat and a scowl, which you think would have made me take the hint, but instead I climbed over and wrestled her into me with a sigh of relief.

She worked to pull away for no longer than a minute before her energy was spent. With a forced grunt, her head was against my chest, rising and falling with my rhythmic breathing.

I stayed still there as long as I could until I felt a buzz on my phone from Jax saying he'd have to be going soon, needing to take care of our house. He had stayed here, on the couch, since Mac died. I tried telling him to go home, rest, shower, but he refused, not wanting to be away from any of us. I don't blame him, I couldn't go home right now; alone.

When it was finally time, I saw him out and since then, I haven't gone back to blue's room. I know she's alive because some time ago she finally got up to pee. I didn't make it a big deal but on the inside i was screaming, cheering, celebrating as if i'd just won the fucking lottery.

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