thirty-eight | displaced anger

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Pretty vivid, I admit it, I'm in classic mode

Don't need pity given to me, but I can't condone

The Search || NF


"Do you think he got us a car?" Mac questioned from the passenger seat, bouncing his knee to the faint music in the background.

"Why would he have gotten us a car? That doesn't make any sense." I responded nonchalantly, shaking my head softly.

"I don't know, someone tells you they have a surprise for you; my mind just automatically thinks of a car," I lazily rolled my head towards Mac to see his shoulders shrugging, eyes barely open to see the road ahead. A few moments passed before he spoke up beside me, a hint of laughter in his voice, "So, you don't think it's a car?"

"No i don't think it's a car," I replied in a simple monotone.

"A car would be pretty fuckin cool."

"Yeah, it would be pretty fucking cool," I whispered, barley audible with a small laugh at the idea of Harry surprising us with a car.

Although we haven't seen each other in two days, it's like no time has passed. We've talked constantly, mainly about nothing at all; just aimless conversation to ensure we don't forget one another.

The last time i saw him; we stayed up all night, mainly fucking, but nonetheless we stayed up all night together. He left later on the next day and we haven't seen one another since then which feels odd, like a tiny piece of me is missing.

Our conversations had been normal, boring stupid shit until this afternoon when he texted me that he had a surprise for Mac and I along with the address to somewhere in the middle of fucking nowhere. It's far from the house, not insufferably long but just long enough for me to feel like it's not worth it; especially since I'm the one driving today.

Normally it's an unspoken rule: Anyone but Grey can drive.

However, Mac vetoed my protests today and forced the car keys upon me. We must've stood in the garage arguing for at least ten minutes before I gave in. I don't mind driving if I'm by myself but when I'm with other people all they do is complain about how i'm breaking too hard, turning too fast, i make them nervous, blah blah blah. Mac agreed to be quiet if I drove, and so far he's kept to his promise.

Maps says we're only ten minutes away from the destination and I have zero ideas as to what we could possibly be walking into right now. It's hard to judge with Harry what mood he'll be in, I don't even know where to begin on guessing what he could have gotten us as a surprise.

What's even more confusing about it all is he told me to bring Mac, which only added 100 more questions to the already large list.

Who knows maybe it is a car or he's finally sick of us and this is his way of luring us to our deaths, getting rid of us so we're officially out of his life for good.

For my sake, I'm going to assume it's a car and not the latter.

Ive always really fucking hated surprises, i have too many questions to not know things. Although, odd as it is, I trust Harry. I feel comfortable submitting to his unknown, even if that means I could be walking into a death trap.

It would be dumb of me to assume our thoughts and feelings for one another are the same just because we've shared some intimate moments and practical conversation. I know people like him, and as much as the idea of me is enticing, the reality of me is off putting.

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