one | sixty days

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'Cause I need freedom now

And I need to know how

To live my life as it's meant to be

The Cave || Mumford & Sons


My eyes barely have time to open before another punch is delivered to my face. My body thrashes to the side and I can feel the warmth of blood run down my cheek. My head is throbbing and the room is spinning from the repeated blows. I'm able to open my eyes just enough to make out the dingy basement that reeks of old water and the light fixture gently swaying above.

This isn't how today was supposed to go. We were supposed to drop the drugs, collect the money, return it here, and be done with it for the day. Instead, I'm bound to a chair and getting the shit beat out of me because we're out a shit ton of drugs and approximately 2 millions dollars.

"Do you know how much you just cost us? How much you just fucked us all over?" he grabs me by my face to look at him. I don't know him but i've seen him around so many times before. He is the one who is always sent to handle people, whether that be kill or in my case; beat the shit out of someone.

I wince at his tight grab on my face. "I told you I don't know what the fuck happened. We dropped the bad and shit hit the fan from there." My voice is rough and my throat is on fire from swallowing so much blood.

"You owe us two fuckin million dollars, do you know how much that is? Do you know how to fuckin count? Or are you incapable of that too?" He screams at me still holding a tight grip on my face as he uses his other hand to crack down on my skull once more.

He loosens his grip and reaches for his gun tucked in the waistband of his jeans, pulling it out to aim at my head. I hear a sudden grunt come from the corner of the room and both of our eyes are redirected towards it.

"Don't you dare shoot her, we'll get the money just give us a couple days and we can figure it out. If you kill us there's no way in hell you'll get it back." I hear the voice say from the corner.

My head was so foggy I had forgotten Elias was here until he spoke. I try to adjust my swollen eyes the best I can to see him. He's completely chained down, covered in blood and I could just tell he had received ten times the beating I had. Flashes go through my brain of Elias taking down three men when we first got back here. I had never seen him so vulnerable and exposed before. Even when we were kids I never saw him back down from a fight and I definitely had never seen him lose.

The man in front of me lowers his gun from my forehead and turns his body to face Elias.

"Who told you to speak? Not me that's for sure. You aren't going anywhere, that little stunt you pulled when you got here left the boss pretty pissed off. He thinks you need some time away and frankly I fucking agree." he speaks at Elias. He brings his attention back to me, keeping his gun lowered by his waist as he grabs me by my hair to bring me closer to his face. "You stupid bitch, I know this happened cause of you. I told them trusting a woman wouldn't get us anywhere but they didn't listen. The only thing you'd be useful for is fucking. I bet men love to have their way with you whether you like it or not whore."

Something about what he said incited a rage in me. Maybe it was past trauma or maybe i was just sick of being treated like shit. With his face inches from mine, I collect a mouth full of blood and spit it directly into his face and open mouth.

"Fuck you!" I screamed as he stumbled back trying to regain his bearings after what had happened. He wipes his face with his shirt trying to remove the blood from his face but instead he just smears it around into a thin layer blanketing his skin.

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