seven | yeah?

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Look at you needing me

You know I'm not your friend without some greenery

All The Good Girls Go To Hell || Billie Eilish


"You're in then?" It was barely nine in the morning and Mac was already rapid firing questions at me.

"I guess? I don't even know what 'in' is, i have no idea what their whole thing is either. He told me nothing other than to meet him at noon." I rub my face harshly with my hands in a desperate attempt to shake off the sleep left over.

I have to meet Harry in a few short hours and I couldn't be more pissed about it. Last night didn't get me far, he told me to meet him but that was all. I don't know what their scheme is, who they are, I'm completely clueless.

Maybe they were like us, working for someone, errand bitches if you will. Whatever our boss says, goes.

"Is he at least a little nice?" Mac's eyebrows are raised inquisitively.

"No, he was the biggest asshole i've ever met. Look at my eye!" I point my finger at my face, "Do you see this shit? Does this radiate 'nice guy'?"

My eye wasn't awful, it's definitely been way worse. I had some minor bruising as well as a tiny cut mixed in just above my eyebrow.

He tilts his head at me slightly, raising his eyebrow as he reads me with his eyes. "What did you do to him?"

"What would even make you think I did something to him?" I defend.

He rolls his eyes dramatically, calling me out on my shit.

"Fine, I headbutted him. He deserved it though." I huff, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Mm, I don't doubt it Grey girl, just try and play nice today, for Eli." Logically I should play nice, but he told me not to be a bitch today so i've decided to be extra bitchy just for him.

If I want this to work in my favor I have to try and be decent but I swear if he pushes my buttons at all today, all bets are off the table. I'm not holding back. That way I can at least say I somewhat tried. I'm kinda setting myself up for failure but no one else needs to know that.

I don't want to share shit about my life either, I can tell him about my job but i draw the line after that. I don't need him knowing about Elias, all he needs to know is I fucked up and I need money, simple as that.

I hurried myself to get ready so I would be there on time. Who knows if this dick will even show, he couldve just told me to meet him so i'd fuck off and he wouldnt have to deal with me. I wouldn't blame him if that was the case, I'd honestly do the exact same thing.

I took my motorcycle again instead of the car. It gets me there faster which hopefully means I'd be home faster when everything is said and done. Mac asked me before I left if he should come but I decided to do this alone today. I needed to work the logistics out with Harry before I decided to drag someone else I love into the shit storm I've created.

I know he really wanted to come, mostly because I think hes afraid I might go to jail for murder for killing Harry. Which he's not completely wrong for having that fear, the chances are pretty high at this point. I do think he wanted to come because he feels just as guilty as I do. Even though he wasn't there when the drop went bad, I know he feels the same guilt as me.

I got to the parking garage five minutes early, parking my bike in the same spot as the night before making my way up to the second floor in hopes that his car was still there.

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