fifty-four | blind trust

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My days end best when this sunset gets itself

Behind that little lady sitting on the passenger side

Arabella || Arctic Monkeys


This is apart of a double update, be sure to read chapter 53 before starting this one! Enjoy babies! <3


"You!" Harry was pointing to random security as we ran towards the backyard, "All of you come with me!"

I was still unsure as to what was truly going on but from the sounds of gunshots and the reaction of Harry, I know none of it is good. Not to mention the added discovery of Elias' finger somehow being in his pocket.

Truly there is a lot to unpack right now.

However, the more pressing issue is the one we are blindly running towards. Somewhere in the hallway I had kicked off my heels, the last thing I needed was to trip and slow us down. So here we are, running barefoot through a crowded mansion towards uncertain danger.

Running into the open yard with at least 7 men behind us, we were smacked to a stand still. Jax was hunched over, blood spattered along the floor as a blacked out SUV skidded out of sight.

The summer air somehow felt cold against my heated skin as I watched Jax saunter backwards, tucking his pulled out handgun back into the waistband of his suit.

I scanned his body for holes, but there wasn't much I could see through the dark fabric covering him. What I could make out is his face, swelling and already flushed with bruises.

A small tinge of panic subsided knowing it was Jax who most likely fired the shots but still my heart thumped so fast, if i focused hard enough i was almost certain it wasn't beating at all.

Without speaking to Jax, Harry turned to the men in tow behind us, "Go inside. False alarm." They hesitated, looking amongst one another for a moment, "Go! Get the fuck inside!"

Harry's final yell sent them running towards the back french doors. Somewhere in the chaos of their leaving, Mac entered the courtyard; joining us with a gasp of curses under his breath.

"Oh my god, is all of that your blood?" I gasped out pointing to the floor.

"No, no; that's the other guy's blood... yeah, that over there though," He pointed to a separate pool, "Yeah, that's my blood."

Silent tension cut through the air as Harry strode towards him, not amused by Jax comedic relief.

"What the fuck happened!" Harry's voice was borderline screaming as we stood in the warm outdoors.

"What the fuck does it looked like happened, Einstein?" Jax shouted back, matching Harry's energy.

"Looks like you got your fucking ass kicked!"

"Well shit! I guess i got my fucking ass kicked then!" Jax shrugged his shoulders, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

I stood between them, arms extending to separate them before Harry's blood joins the rest on the ground.

"Jax. What happened?" My voice was stern, barely recognizable.

"You know what Little G, since you asked so kindly; I'll fucking tell you what happened."

His fingers ran over the open cut on his lips, sighing as he prepared to retell the very fucking recent events.

"Earlier, before you two went up to get your dicks wet, when the man hit you; i knew. I just fucking knew. I watched him walk away with confidence, as if he had just accomplished mission fucking impossible. I thought I was being paranoid. Maybe the CTE had finally gotten to me but no. No, you know what I saw?"

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