nine | blue

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I don't do enough for you

Without you, it's the color blue

Blue World || Mac Miller 


Today is a me day.

i'm going to relax, and just really focus on myself today. I've spent the last 4 days with Harry and my brain is beyond over his shit, so this was going to be a much needed break.

Plus I was a little hungover from taking shots with Mac last night. I was just so irritated from the little time I spent at Harry's I needed to destress, especially since I knew Mac was going to have a lot of questions.

Its safe to say that, although grateful for the opportunity for money, he fucking hates Harry. It's really hard to get on Mac's bad side, there's very few people I've seen achieve a special spot on shit list. The list includes Elias' dad, his own parents, our fourth grade teacher, and the newest addition; Harry.

Mac has always tried to see the good in people, but he always drew a harsh line when it came to me. He's never stood for anyone treating me poorly. I mean, he's held a grudge over our teacher for almost twenty years now, all because of how she treated me.

I knew once I told him the full truth about Harry there would be no coming back from that. He told me he was proud of me for defending myself, not letting him walk all over me. I felt pretty proud, I doubt Harry has ever had anyone test him like I do. The way I see things is that I'm doing him a favor by knocking his ego down a few pegs. Someone needs to, I'm just glad it gets to be me.

For only knowing him for such a small amount of time, he has learned how to push my buttons in the worst way possible. He makes me feel absolutely mad, like I could snap at any moment. I've always had a short fuse, but he seems to bring out the worst in me.

Today isn't about him though, today is about me. It's been a long and stressful couple of days, so this me time is very well deserved. I have my whole day planned out, and what I planned to do was absolutely nothing.

I plan on having my butt sat on this couch for the next 12 hours, binge watching tv, drinking an entire bottle of wine.

Mac had planned on working on things around the house but I think he mostly wanted to join my plans.

I cuddled myself further into the couch and pulled my thick blanket up to my chest as I settled in to watch some tv. Right as I've made myself comfy, I see my phone screen light up with an incoming message. I pick it up and unlock my phone to view it.


Steele wants to meet in an hour, send me your address. I'm on my way.

Mother fucking, son of a bitch.

You have got to be fucking kidding me.

I slam my phone down onto the couch and let out a loud groan. I pinch my eyes shut in frustration, shaking my head slightly.

"Woah, someone seems mad. Where'd all the sunshine go? What's the issue?" I hear Mac chime in from behind me in the kitchen.

I turn my body on the couch to face him behind me, "That asshole just texted me that his boss wants to meet today, he's already leaving." I pick my phone up and send my address.

"For fucks sake, can't you just not go?"

I let out a sigh and weigh my options in my head, "No, I don't think we're really in the position to be trying to call shots right now. I just have to do what he says. If his boss is anything like him, i'm going to stab myself."

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