four | eyes

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Someday soon, your whole life's gonna change

You'll miss the magic of these good old days

Good Old Days || Macklemore feat. Kesha


That's it. Fuck this, We're leaving. It was taking everything in me not to hunt that man down and shoot him right here, right now. I needed to find Mac and get out of here.

I push my way through the crowds of people scanning the tables I pass for any sign of Mac. I have no idea where anything is in here except the tables I played. The lighting was so dim and the room was foggy from all the smoke which made it nearly impossible to see. You know what I can see very clearly though? That smug bastards eyes, replaying in my mind over and over again.

Maybe I was overreacting, maybe I was just letting my competitive nature take over, I know my anger was unexplainably ridiculous and in all honestly I couldn't even explain why I was mad. All he did was look at me and I could feel the anger festering inside me. It would've mad me feel better if he was ugly but fuck he wasn't. He's hot and cocky, i'm sure he has a massive fucking superiority complex. I bet he thinks every girl wants to fuck him, not that I care. I just know his type, he's so easy to read.

I walked around for another five minutes before I spotted Mac standing up from his seat at a table. He walks over to me with a smile from ear to ear.

"I killed that shit tonight Grey!" He raises his hand with a wad of cash and shakes it lightly, "Full house baby."

"That's great, i'm really glad. Lets get the fuck outta here." I reply with a flat tone as I tug him towards the exit. Mac did not question my demand, he could probably sense the annoyance radiating off me.

As we make our way towards the exit I spot a man holding a cigarette between his fingertips. As we pass by I decide it's now my cigarette when I remove it from his raised hand. I could hear the man shout something at me but instead of turning around to respond I simply raised my middle finger and gestured it in his direction. I put the cigarette in my mouth and took a drag as I felt the warmth hit the back of my throat. I hold it in briefly, before blowing it back out, watching as it mixes with the rest of the thick smoke layering the air.

I don't really smoke so this felt somewhat foreign. I've only ever done it when I've been under stress. I know if Elias saw me right now he'd be beating my ass. Funny how he'll scold me for smoking but praise me for killing someone.

When we finally got to our car Mac was instantly questioning me as we began to drive off.

"What happened? Did you blow our money or something?" He keeps his eyes on the road as he drives.

"No, who do you think I am? I won us a decent chunk of money," I defend. "Thats besides the point, who the fuck is the guy that plays at the highest table?"

Mac turned to me with a puzzled expression, shaking his head as he spoke. "I literally have no idea what the hell you're talking about."

I toss my head onto the headrest and feel the anger bubbling even higher in me.

"You know, the one with the curly hair? Tall, green eyes, looks like an absolute ass."

"I have no idea Grey, he must be new. I haven't been here in awhile," he explains, giving me a small glance. "I don't know why it matters anyway, it's not like you played against him or anything."

"It's not that, it's the way he looked at me." I close my eyes and see nothing but him, "He just gave me this look, like he had beat me before we've ever gotten to play. He's so arrogant."

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