sixty-three | passionate & pastel*

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Crawl a little further on the bed, babe

I'm burning up, yeah, all I see is red

Slow Down || Chase Atlantic


This is apart of a triple update, be sure to read chapter 61 & 62 before starting this one! Enjoy babies! <3


Harry's P.O.V.

"You can say no, baby, but I wanna explain it to you first, okay?"

I could see the nervous curiosity on her face, her eyebrows knit together with glossy eyes as I stood across the way. Her focus hadn't left the box, squinting with a cock of her head as if she was trying to piece together the puzzle.

I waited to make a move until she gave me a soft nod of approval. I set the bag down, keeping only the box in my possession as I approached her.

"I got us this today," I pried open the discrete flap of the box to reveal a small length vibrator. Her vision flew back and forth, silently asking me questions I was already prepared to answer, "I lied; about needing the suit, it was a lie. I always have one in my car, it's why I came back so soon. I went to get this instead."

I handed it over to her, letting her hold it in her palms while I tried to explain my intentions and actions in the most comforting way possible. I've learned that if I want to try new things, it's best to walk kindly; I want nothing more than for her to feel safe in her own skin with me beside it.

"It's an internal vibrator. It's the same as any other, have you used one before?" I felt stupid, scared she would laugh in my face for coming across so innocent but instead she softened with every word i spoke.

"Y-yes, but only ever by myself," She spoke wearily.

Fuck me.

I tried to ignore the image of her in my head, stiflingly her moans in the quiet of the night by herself. It pleased a part of my soul knowing no one has ever had her in that way; that maybe I, with her approval and comfort, would be the first and only to have her so specially to myself.

"Okay, that's okay. This one is unique, that's what the lady told me. It's uh- it's meant for two people to use." I reassured her while slowly building myself up, "See, it connects to an app. While it's inside of you, I can control it using my phone."

I had already set it up earlier, cleaned it and all. I figured it was final sale anyways, whether she said yes or no I might as well have it ready.

"I can control it with a button press. I can create my own setting; or I can use my voice."

Her eyes flew to me, but not in fear; they were full of curiosity. I swallowed quickly, trying to remain composed as my mind wandered to the endless possibilities.

"I want you to use this while you use your mouth to fuck me. The better you perform, the more you receive." She gulped, hard. My naughty girl, "With this, you have the power you want without the pressure of being in complete control."

She didn't speak, she just stared; hollow and mindless as if she had wandered to another dimension. My hand cupped her face, drawing her eyes back towards me to return her to his moment.

"You can say no. You say the word and it's gone, Grey; I'll never mention it again. I only want to do this if you're comfortable and we could stop at any time."

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