fifty-seven | melted

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Fall into your blue

Fighting it is hopeless, sinking in your ocean

Blu (Acoustic) || Jon Bellion 


Harry's P.O.V.

It's 11:17 A.M.. I'm in my car, driving to the house of the woman of my dreams and there's a small potted plant buckled in on the passenger seat beside me.

I am a pathetic pussy.

If someone told me two months ago that i would be doing this i would have laughed in their face and beat their ass but now? I can't imagine my life any other way.

I'm so set on her that I got up this morning, raced to get ready so I could stop by the store before heading over here. I couldn't stop thinking about the plant I saw a while back, how it would light up her face; so i got it. Well, I got one of them. They obviously didn't have the exact same fucking plant but its close enough.

It's called a Money Tree or some shit. Which in hindsight, its a little distasteful given their current situation but fuck it, we'll call it a good luck charm.

I brought it to my car, sitting it on the passenger seat with hesitation, hoping the soil didn't fuck up my nice, expensive seats. I even made sure to buckle it in, hoping that if I wreck this bitch it'll stay somewhat salvageable.

Apparently, now, I'm the type of person who cares more about a plant for a girl than I care about my own fucking car or life.

I wanted to start our time together off on a good note. I promised her she would have me and I've held true to it. I've spent the last week busting my ass to clear my schedule for her and only her. Early mornings and sleepless nights have all added up to these upcoming days with her and i wouldn't trade it for a fucking thing.

I turned into her street, hand aimlessly moving to the passenger seat to steady the plant so it doesn't tip around the curve. Pulling up, I can see Mac standing in the front, hand watering the plants under the hot ass summer sun because apparently; the outside plants are just as important as the inside ones. Noted.

I cut the engine, the barley audible whirling coming to a halt before unbuckling the plant to carry it with me. Mac's squinted vision shifts to me with a wide smile and upwards nod of acknowledgement.

"Big Mac, it's been too long," I nodded back, feeling the grin grow on me the closer I get to her.

He drops his head, shaking it with a laugh before looking back up, "You brought me a plant?"

"No. No- well no- uh, Yes? I don't-" I tripped on my fucking words like they were shoelaces knotted together.

"I'm fucking with you," He gave me a playful tap, not holding back on the amusement, "She's inside. I think she might be broken because she's in the kitchen cooking. Cooking cooking, you know? Like actual food, cooking." I laughed back, hugging the plant to my side. "No, seriously though; I don't know if any of that shit is edible. Don't say I didn't warn you."

He stepped aside allowing me to walk by, both of us getting our last laughs before I stepped inside. The door swings open and i step in, gently closing it behind me with a shaking inhale, nervous as if its my first time ever seeing a fucking woman.

"Blue?" I shouted from the entry. Partially to see where she's at, but mostly to announce my presence.

The last thing we fucking need is for her to burn herself or cut off her fucking finger too because I scared her or some shit.

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