thirty | somewhere only we know

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And if you have a minute, why don't we go

Talk about it somewhere only we know?

Somewhere Only We Know || Keane



This chapter contains graphic mentions of violence, child abuse, and other heavy topics. 


"Why're we at the beach?" I speak for the first time from my passenger seat beside Harry. He ignored my question as he pulled into a space facing the sand, cutting the engine.

I took in the scenery hesitatingly, not sure what I should be focusing on. Harry and I hadn't spoken to one another since we left the house, I was too angry to even look at him for most of the drive. Every time I would settle myself down it would be quickly ruined by intruding thoughts stirring my frustration back up.

I'm sure Harry could sense my hurt from the way my body was pointed towards the window, my attention on the passing trees.

His hand grabbed the handle, opening his driver door, climbing out as he motioned his head for me to follow. I undid the seatbelt keeping me in the car, gently swinging open my door. I stepped out onto the sandy pavement, the ground crunching as my feet moved over it.

I took in a deep breath of salty air, the familiar scent settling the anxiety rattling inside of me. The air was thick with moisture, leaving a sticky film along my soft exposed skin. I walked around the exterior of the car, Harry leading the way ahead of me as he stepped onto the wooden walkway, leading to the open beach.

I kept a few paces behind him, uncertainty in each movement. My throat was tight, each swallow felt like slow suffocation.

My eyes squinted as the bright rays of sun shined down on my golden skin, instantly warming my body. I looked around the beach as I stepped along the rickety wooden path.

The beach was empty, with the exception of a few individuals. A small family of three was in the distance, a man and his dog jogging along the waterline, and a man sat in a lounge chair with a fishing pole anchored in the sand beside him, waiting for the perfect bite.

When we reached the end of the path where wood meets the pale cream sand, Harry halted. He crouched down, undoing the laces of his shoes, individually slipping each off followed by its matching sock. He tucked the sock into the shoes before picking them back up, straightening his body out.

I stood still, waiting for his next move, still unsure of what was happening. He gave me a small nod, silently pushing me to remove my shoes as well. I slowly lowered to the ground, keeping my scrunched eyes on him as I undid the laces of my shoes. I removed them, neatly holding a shoe on each of my index and middle fingers.

Harry's body was stiff as he closed his eyes, taking in a deep inhale through his nose. His breath held captive in his chest as his head tilted back slightly towards the golden sun above, exhaling out of his mouth. His emerald green eyes fluttered open, dropping to the ground as he took his first step onto the sand.

His feet sunk in the ground beneath him, kicking up sand as he lifted them to step. Once he began, he didn't stop; never looking back to check for my presence behind him. With each movement further towards the ocean, he became more and more relaxed like the weight of the world was being lifted from his shoulders as the ocean called him.

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