thirty-four | the drop

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Ready to snap any moment I'm

Thinkin' it's time to go get 'em

Venom || Eminem


The Drop.

"Okay, okay; my turn," Elias' hands beat on the steering wheel, drumming his rough fingers in excitement. "I spy with my little eye; something green."

My eyes trail around the car, an obvious roll of annoyance as I glanced around. The car was lackluster in color, most of the interior black and our surroundings were dirt as we drove through a beaten trail off of the main highway to get to our destination.

Another day, another useless fucking task of bullshit.

Im so sick of being a guppy in a fucking shark tank; a bottom feeder in the food chain that is life.

We've been on the road for nearly an hour and were still not even halfway there. We never get told much, other than a few minute details of a time, a place, and the drop.

Today it's; noon, middle of fucking nowhere, and a shit ton of cocaine.

"Is it the lizard keychain?" I point to the small green lizard attached to the key fob as it dangles from the ignition, swaying back and forth with every bump of the car as we navigate the road.


"Darn, looks like i give up," My voice was drained of tone, annoyance being the only detectable note.

"C'mon, teeny; you're no fun." Elias' scrunched expression met mine as his shoulders slumped against his seat. "It's the green car behind us. Always check your surroundings; I thought I taught you better than that."

Elias' face wore with defeat; I know he's just trying to pass the time, I'm being too hard on him, it's not his fault we're in this shit. I should be used to it by now, but with each day that passes I'm reminded of how sick I am of this lifestyle.

I don't know how Elias does it with a positive attitude every single fucking day. Everyday he goes into our building, fake ass smile on his face doing whatever he can to make sure he comes home at the end of the day.

I know I should be grateful for these opportunities but at this point, I'd much rather stick my tit in a blender than do this shit another day.

"I'm sorry," I huff out, head hitting the leather rest behind me as my eyes pinch shut. "Im just so over this crap, i hate being a fucking puppet; 'go here, do this, suck my fucking nuts'," i mocked out dramatically, motioning my arms about. Elias loud belly laugh, swarms the car, my body fighting off an uncontrollable grin consuming my cheeks as I listen to him.

"I know, I know. You're tired; I am too," Elias' gravelly voice replaced his lighter, amusement dying down as he spoke gently. "I promise, I'm gonna get us out of this teeny." My heart softens at the use of his sweet, but sometimes obnoxious nickname. "This was never the life I wanted for you and Mac, it's not who I wanted you to be. I know it fucking sucks, believe me i do, but we're in it for now. It won't always be like this; I'll make sure of it, even if it's the last thing I do."

I feel guilty complaining to him, like he had any choice in this shit. He's done nothing but work his ass off since the day we left. I only joined because I got sick of watching him suffer in silence while I felt useless; at least now, we're in it together.

It's good money, but it's not worth the shit I've seen or done. I shouldn't have to spend my Friday night washing blood out of my hair because jackass Jovanni from an opposing crew decided to pop like a fucking water balloon when i slit his throat.

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