forty-two | the call

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Know my ground

And I will wait, I will wait for you. 

I Will Wait || Mumford & Sons


This chapter is apart of a double update, be sure to read chapter 41 before starting this one! Enjoy babies <3


Elias' P.O.V.

I'm so fucking tired.

Tired of smelling like old blood and stale water. Fucking tired of getting the shit beat out of me everyday without any defense. Tired of sitting in the dark, shut out from the outside world. Really fucking tired of being hungry, but its easier to not eat most days.

I miss food so fucking much. I miss my bed, sick of sleeping upright, chained to a fucking shitty ass office chair. I miss beer, TV, and movies.

I miss my kids.

I'd give anything to be home with them, it's the only thing keeping me in this world. I would've killed myself before willingly doing this shit if it wasn't for them. I need to get home, make sure they're okay. I've never been away from teeny this long, not since she first showed up at our doorstep. I haven't gone a day without seeing Mac since I moved him in, just as much my blood as Grey is.

I know I'm not alone in here right now, but I can't open my eyes enough to look around the room; a common theme in my life lately. I dont think ive had full vision since the day we stepped in here, sure thing my fucking eye sockets are broken. I'd be lucky to make it out of this bitch with any sight at this point.

I know I was asleep, woken up by the sound of chattering voices a few moments ago. I tried to move in the chair, the familiar sound of chains dragging against the cold ass concrete floor.

Warmth, fuck, did i mention i miss warmth? Never realize how fucking cold it is till you're stuck with minimal clothes in a shitty basement.

"Who is this?"

A voice I would recognize anywhere catches my attention; Teeny.

My head whips around, fighting to pry my eyes open in hopes i'll see my girl standing in front of me to take me out of this fucking nightmare.

"Teeny!" I shouted, jumping from the sound of my own unrecognizable voice echoing around me in the dark room. I was frantic in my seat, rocking the chair to try and break free, knowing it won't work from previous attempts.

Footsteps came closer to me as I continued to work my eyes open, dried blood cracking on my forehead. I felt a presence in front of me, I wanted to reach out and feel for her but from the cracking sound of a phone line; i knew it wasn't her.

"Elias?" She sounded from the other line, confirming her identity while breaking my fucking heart.

"Are you okay? Is Mac okay?" I could hear my own panic, mixing with my hoarse tone from going so long without water or talking. "I'm so sorry, teeny. I'm gonna come home, swear it to you." I rushed my words, not sure how long I'd have with her until she gets ripped from me again.

"Im okay, we're okay. I'm gonna get you back, I'm getting the money and I'll get you home." I could hear the cracks, her voice breaking more and more.

"I know you will, i know; i love you, i love Mac, i love you tee-"

"What a sweet reunion, I hate to cut it short but I have some business to speak with Grey about. So glad we got to have that moment," The male voice interrupted; our boss.

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