eighty | reprise

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And if you have a minute, why don't we go

Talk about it somewhere only we know?

Somewhere Only We Know || Keane


This is apart of a double update, be sure to read chapter 79 before starting this one! Enjoy babies <3


Harry's P.O.V.

The sound of gravel, sand and busted pavement crunch together as my car pulls into a spot facing the vast and open ocean ahead. I shifted the car into park and let out a drawn breath through pursed lips that I wasn't aware I was holding in.

Getting Grey out of the house was a hassle, just as much as I figured it would be. I thought I had her sold with the no pants option but it turns out it was just a lead into her asking if she had to wear a top, bra, shoes, underwear and the list continues on. Normally, my answer would be "no" to all of those, however, I don't need her to catch a public indecency charge today on top of all the other shit she has going on.

After what felt like hours of back and forth, she finally settled on an outfit when she realized I wasn't going to budge on this. In the car she was quiet, honestly I'm unsure if she truly knew where we were going until I pulled onto the familiar road with the ocean view. I heard a small sigh of realization, relaxation, as if she could feel the peace rolling in.

I stay silent as I climb out of my driver side door, taking in a deep inhale of the comforting salty air before opening the passenger door, my hand extended towards blue in offering. She takes a moment, looking between me and the sandy shore before taking my hand with trusted hesitation.

I hold her hand tight in mine with subtle squeezes of reassurance three at a time as I lead us to the path towards the ocean. The wood creaks as we step onto the empty bridge. Grey is a pace behind me, a slight drag to her feet and I don't blame her. It's the first time she's seen sunshine, smelt fresh air, felt the earth beneath her feet since Mac died.

When we hit the end of the salt-eaten wood path, I pause while gently dropping blue's hand, bending down to undo the laces of my shoes. She follows slowly with her actions, already done with both of mine while she moves at a sloth pace to undo one of hers.

When she's finished I take her free hand back to mine, turning my head to hold her vision of beauty for a moment before I inhale deeply, holding it hostage in my lungs as I step into the warm summer sand.

The moment my feet sink in; I'm home.

I close my eyes and slowly let go of the breathing I was holding and from beside me, I can hear the ever-so-soft sound of blue doing the same. When I open them, I'm safe. The fear and anxiety that's been living inside of me dissipates like the white sea foam settling on the shore line.

I move us forward with small steps, trying to savor every second i have out here with her. The sand conforms to our feet as we go, slipping in between my toes to remind me that I'm alive. I take in the scene around me and revel in the empty, open land encompassing my line of sight. There isn't a single soul around us, as if the world knew we needed this moment just for me and her.

An empty beach on a summer day is unheard of, but she knew. She was looking out for blue just as she'd watched over me all these years; making sure she was there when I needed her the most.

The world around us falls quiet as we inch closer to the water's edge. The only sound filling the air is the soft crashing of waves, drawing us into its safety. Blue was close to my side, her pace matching mine with equal stride. My breathing fell pattern with the rolling ocean and I could feel the weight of the last weeks living off my chest.

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