seventy-five | everything i am

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'Cause right now all the colors

Don't mean anything to me

Blue || Ingrid Andress


This is apart of a quadruple update, be sure to read chapters 72, 73 & 74 before starting this one. Enjoy babies <3


Harry's P.O.V.

"Grey, I'm sorry; we've gotta go baby."

She looks up at me for only a moment, nodding her head before I close the car door to walk around to her side. My fingers are gripping the towel in my hand so tight I feel like my bones are going to crack and crumble at any moment.

Guilt is gnawing away at me, feasting on my flesh and blood at the fact that I have to be the one to take her away from him. Her last moments are cut short by my words; I'll never forgive myself for it, even if I know it's not anyone's fault.

I take a quick breath before opening the door, watching her blood soaked body slide off of the seat and into my arms as I wrap her up.

Before I can even close the door, she's walking away and I can't even look at him. The sight of him laying on the earth's floor is seared into my brain and for the life of me, I can't bring myself to see him like this again.

I gently shut the door, preserving his solitary peace in the back seat. Jax and Elias are standing in silence near the passenger door and I join them as we watch Grey walk up the porch and into the house, shutting the door behind her as if she's just a ghost in passing.

"Alright, uh- fuck," Jax sniffles wiping his nose across his forearm, "I'm gonna head out now." I nod, my eyes are on the floor watching our feet as i see Elias move to get back in the vehicle, "Hey- uh, I don't know if you wanna come, it might be easier for-"

"I don't even know your fucking name," seething anger spits in his tone, "You want to take my son and i don't even know your fucking name. No, you're not going to take my boy anywhere without me."

"Are you sure-"

"Get in the car and fucking drive," everyone is still and silent, weighing the emotions in the air. Elias' brows pull together through the swelling and his eyes darken, "Drive."

Jax nods quickly, sucking in a deep breath, "Yeah- nope, you're right. Mhm, good idea."

The door closes and it's just the two of us now, but movement catches my eye from the peripherals of my vision. Steele is sitting in the driver's seat of Jax's car, head down and eyes shut.

"Jax, i'm going to fucking kill him," I spit, body trembling as i hold myself back, "Did he say anything to you?"

He shakes his head quickly, "No- fuck no. I told him to keep his fucking mouth shut. If he has something to say, he'll say it to you, to us. He's going to take my car and fuck off like the bitch Aamon made him out to be."

I watch his face; empty and thoughtless. My blood is molten lava in my veins as he sits in contentment while we're faced with betrayal. I can't begin to think of him over these last two months, the deceit and lies that haunt him. With everything, I've trusted him and confided in him but now? The sight of him makes me sick.

"I mean it man. I can't see him right now, maybe not ever. Keep him the fuck away from me," Im speaking to Jax but i'm looking past him, "He's fucking lucky that I have more important things to care for right now."

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