Part Ninety-Six 아흔육

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It's the third day of our little holiday. It feels really great to be able to spend some time with Taehyung alone... But not quite what I thought it would be like. See, during our trip, Taehyung practices a lot. He has to know a new dance routine when we come back, so he spends a lot of time practicing it.

But he also practices a lot of the other dance routines. Taehyung told me yesterday that the new dance routine is not that hard. Which to me meant he would be able to spend more time with me these days, but that is not at all what he meant. He just meant he would have more time to practice the other dance routines.

I mean, it's fine. I want him to do what he wants to do. But like, we are here together. We came to this cabin to spend time together now we are finally able to be just with the two of us. But clearly he had something else in mind.

I sit on the couch with Yeontan watching another episode of 'How I Met Your Mother' (which is a great show by the way. I would definitely recommend it!). Taehyung walks into the living room from the kitchen, holding a bottle of water. I look at him as he looks at the show I've been watching. "Practicing again?" I ask him shortly.

I know I am supposed to be the supportive girlfriend, but I am kinda done with that. These past three days I've spent being the supportive girlfriend. I tried to hide my annoyed feelings and let him do his thing. I watched more tv in these past three days than I have in the past months! Not that I have been sitting here, waiting for him to be done, these last days. I did my own thing. Like, I went for a swim by myself, I went on a lot of walks with Yeontan and I cooked a lot. But the reason we came here was to spend time together and now we're doing everything but that! So yes, I am done being supportive and I am annoyed.

Taehyung looks at me and laughs a little, like it is a joke to him. "And you're watching the same show again?" He asks, "Is it that good?" I roll my eyes and look at the tv instead of him. "Well, it has been great company to me," I say, "Better than you..." I say the last words softly. I really shouldn't let my anger come out. It won't be good for either of us. But I can't help it.

Taehyung lifts his eyebrow and looks at me. "Are you really starting about my practicing again?" He asks. I feel his anger through his words. Good to know I am not the only one who is angry about it.

"Well it depends, will you keep practicing twenty-four seven?" I ask him. Taehyung rolls his eyes at me and walks to the back door. "I am not talking about this again. I'll be outside," he says. "Sure, like always..." I sigh.

Taehyung opens the back door, but then he turns around to me with an angry look on his face. "Why does it bother you so much? Yes I practice a lot, so what?! This is my job," He says. He raises his voice a little, showing more of his anger. I look at him with a straight face, but I feel my blood pumping. My heartbeat raises and I am ready to let all my anger out. But I shouldn't.

"Why does it bother me? Are you really asking me that now, Tae?" I ask him. Taehyung takes a step closer to me and crosses his arms. "Yes, I am. You know this is part of my job. It has never bothered you before, so why now?" He asks. Oh god, he has no idea, does he? Did this little trip mean something else to him? Did he not see it as a reason to spend time together, just the two of us?

"I know it is part of your job. But I kind off hoped you wouldn't spend so much time practicing these days. I really thought we would have this trip to spend time together. Like you and me instead of you and your dancing!" I tell him. Taehyung seems to understand where I'm coming from. He looks away from me again and shakes his head. "Well, this is my life, Ali. I need to practice a lot even during a trip. Sorry it wasn't clear to you before," he says. He lifts his shoulders like it is not a big deal and walks back to the back door.

SaVe Me Ft. Kim Taehyung (BTS) {COMPLETED ✔️}Where stories live. Discover now