Part Sixty-Two 육십이

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Six months... Six whole months have passed since I've last been with Taehyung... I didn't think I would survive a week without him, let alone six whole months. These past six months were nothing like I imagined them to be.

It feels weird, since Taehyung and I were only dating for two months, but I needed at least four months to get over him. Luckily I had a lot of help. Most help came from Yana, of course. I don't know what I would've done without her. I wouldn't be where I am today, that's for sure.

Six months... Six months without him. Without his smile, without his voice, without his touch, without his sweet words... Six months without being able to see him or be close to him.

At least I had his music. It is nothing compared to hearing his voice other than through the speakers of my phone. But at least it's not nothing. At least I got to hear his beautiful voice one way or another.

I don't think I would be able to survive these last six months without it. Without being able to hear his voice or look at the few photos that I took with my phone. If I still had my camera, I would be able to look at all the hundreds of photos and videos I took of him and the guys. But obviously I couldn't keep that camera, because it wasn't mine...

Even though I told him to let go and move on, I haven't been able to do the same. I couldn't let go of him and I still can't. He is like an addiction to me. I just need to see or hear him every now and then, or I will go crazy. I guess that's what happens when you fall in love with Kim Taehyung...

My other help-line was Kaylee. Over the past six months we texted a lot. It started with texting every day. I asked her every single day how she and the guys were doing and she asked about me. But these last few weeks and months, we don't text daily. Mostly because Kaylee was busy getting ready for the upcoming tour.

Luckily, the fans left me alone on social media. First, everyone was sending me messages on Twitter and Instagram. Photos of Taehyung and me were spread all over the world. Everyone was asking who I was and what was going on.

Within the first few weeks after our breakup, Taehyung's management told everyone the pictures were fake. They told everyone some fan edited the photos and made it look like they were real. Luckily, the fans believed it and let it go. For the better, because Taehyung and his management got a lot of hate from fans. I got a lot of hate as well, but I was able to block everyone who sent me hate.

In the beginning it was really hard to deal with it. I was already in a bad place because of the breakup, but reading messages from fans telling me to stay away from Taehyung or to die, did not help me at all. A lot of fans said a lot of bad things about me. But luckily that is all over now they think it wasn't real.

All though it took a while before everyone let it go. Even in interviews people often asked Taehyung about it. But he just told them it was all fake as well. Since he wasn't really happy about it either, the guys often jumped in and answered the question for him.

Now, all the questions are gone and people believe it was really fake. Nobody talks about it anymore and they finally leave me and Taehyung alone.

"Ali!" I look up from my computer and look around in the office, looking for the voice that called my name. I see Josh coming towards me. He smiles wide and his blue eyes sparkle. "Ali, I just shot the best photo ever!" He says proudly. I smile, "So show me!" Josh grabs his camera and searches for the photo.

Josh is one of my colleagues at my new job. He is a photographer just like me and we work side by side. Since the first day I got here, he showed me around and helped me get settled in. Since then, we've been a great team and great friends. We even get a little competitive at some times. We like to show each other the best photos we shot and love to brag about it.

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