Part Seventeen 십칠

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The song ends and Taehyung turns around to me. He smiles wide and I see his cheeks glow. "That was really good!" He smiles. I laugh, "only because I could follow your lead."

Taehyung goes back to the music box. "Let's do this one next!" He says and plays Fake Love. I start to laugh. "This is an unreleased song! How am I supposed to know this?" I ask.

Taehyung smiles. "You've seen the routine a few times! I bet you can do it!" He says. I laugh, "how? Not even you can do it!" Taehyung looks hurt, but starts to laugh. "Okay, okay, let's do this one together," he says, "I bet you know the chorus!"

He walks back to me and looks at me. I feel scared and insecure, but then I look in his eyes. I notice a little twinkle in his eyes. It makes him look really happy.

Before I can overthink it, I nod. "Okay," I say. I take a deep breath and try to think back to the day I saw them do this dance routine. When the chorus starts, I start to dance. I probably miss every step and get it all wrong, but I don't care. I don't care about the fact that I probably look like a complete fool right now. I only care about his eyes on me and the big smile on his face.

"Yeah!" Taehyung laughs. He stands in front of me and dances with me. Our eyes don't let go of each other, not even for a split second.

When the chorus ends, I have no idea what the dance routine is. "I don't know what to do!" I laugh. "Just dance!" Taehyung says. He starts to improvise and throws his hands around in the air. I burst out laughing and follow his lead. I don't think about anything that I'm doing and I guess I have that single shot of Tequila to thank. I just feel the music and let the music control me. Taehyung laughs, "yes! That's it!"

The song ends. We both stop dancing and I look at Taehyung. His hair and his eyes look wild. The big smile on his face make me instantly happy. His eyes shine and are filled with joy.

I just now notice how close we stand. We stand barely two feet away from each other. We must look like the most insane people on earth. We stand in an empty studio, while we both try to catch our breath from the dance party we had just a few seconds ago.

I can't help but smile at the sight of his hair. Normally, it looks perfectly styled. But now it's all messed up and every hair goes a different way. Without thinking, I take a step closer to him and touch his hair. I smile and try to put his hair back in place. Taehyung laughs, but doesn't stop me. When I look at the result, I smile proudly. "Is that better?" Taehyung asks. I nod, "It is!"

Taehyung looks at my hair and before I realize what he is doing, he reaches out and brings his hand to my face. My heartbeat speeds up and I can barely breathe as his hand comes closer to my face. He touches my cheek softly and moves a piece of my hair out of my face. He puts it behind my ear and smiles. Then he looks straight into my eyes, his hand still resting against my cheek.

My heart beats so loud and wild, I am scared Taehyung might hear it as well. But Taehyung doesn't seem to be interested in my heartbeat. On the contrary, I swear I feel his pulse beat like crazy against my cheek.

Then he takes another step closer to me. His head moves closer and his lips touch mine. I close my eyes and feel like I am about to faint by this feeling... Fireworks explode in my belly, my skin heats up and my heart beats like it's gonna explode. His lips feel soft and warm against mine. His hand is still on my cheek, holding me like he is afraid I might leave.

Our lips part, but our heads stay close to each other. We both open our eyes again and look at each other. We're both out of breath again, even though we just stand here. "I wanted to do that for a long time," he says. I feel like my heart is gonna jump out of my chest. Is he really saying this?!

"Me too," I confess. Taehyung laughs, "good, otherwise this would be very awkward." I smile and lean in again. I let my lips touch his again and I feel immediately that he kisses me back. He moves his hands to my back and holds me close to him. I move my hands to his neck and give him no chance to leave me just as he doesn't give me a chance to leave him.

When we let go again, we both smile wide. "I'm glad you feel the same way," I tell him. Taehyung smiles wide. "Yeah, me too," he laughs. He looks at my hair again and touches it with his fingers. "You have the most amazing hair," he says. I feel my cheeks glow. "Says you!" I smile. I touch his hair again, but this time I mess it all up. "Stop it!" Taehyung laughs. He takes a step back and tries to cover his hair with his hands.

I laugh and take a few steps closer to him, using both my hands to mess with his hair. Taehyung laughs and starts to tickle me. I scream and run away from him. "No!" I shout. But Taehyung laughs and runs after me. He is way faster than me and catches me within a few seconds. He wraps his arms around me to stop me from running. I laugh and try to fight him off without actually trying. Because I actually don't want him to let me go. He holds me as tight as he can, what makes my heart jump and my inner self scream of happiness.

Before he lets me go, I feel that he puts a small kiss on my head. Just that tiny, but adorable gesture makes my heart melt. Taehyung looks at me again and I see a big smile on his face. "Did I already tell you how amazing you look?" He asks. A wide smile appears on my face and I feel a rush of happiness go through my body.

"No, you didn't," I smile. "Okay, good, because you don't," he jokes. I laugh and slap his arm playfully. "Jerk!" I laugh. Taehyung smiles wide. "Kidding. You look amazing," he says. I smile wide. I can't stop blushing with him around, especially if he gives me these sweet compliments. "Thank you," I smile, "You look great yourself!"

Taehyung looks at his outfit in the mirror. "You like it? I wasn't sure about this look," he says, "If I knew you were coming, I would've dressed up more properly." Once again, he makes my heart skip a beat. It feels like that's what he does all the time. He says or does things that make me want to jump and scream of happiness. Even though he said what he just said more about himself than about me, it is so freaking sweet of him!

"You look incredible," I tell him. His eyes find mine again and he smiles wide. "Thank you," he says. He takes another step closer to me. "It's not easy to be the pretty one," he laughs. I roll my eyes, but laugh with him. "But I know you can relate," he winks. I put my hand on his arm. "You little flirt," I tell him. "I'm not that little! I am pretty tall!" He defends himself. I laugh and shake my head.

We both scare when the door opens and Yeontan runs towards us. Yeontan runs to Taehyung, who smiles wide and kneels down for him. Jimin appears in the door opening. "Here you are!" He says, "How is the house tour going?" I smile wide, "It's going great!" Jimin laughs, "super! We are about to start a drinking game. Are you in?"

I look at Taehyung, who looks at me. "I am, are you?" he asks. "Yeah, sure!" I say. "Great!" Jimin says, "Hurry up! You're already a shot behind!" Jimin disappears again and leaves Taehyung and me laughing. "Should I be scared?" I ask Taehyung. He stands up straight again. "Yeah, I think you should," he says. We both laugh and go back to the others.

SaVe Me Ft. Kim Taehyung (BTS) {COMPLETED ✔️}Where stories live. Discover now