Chapter 2: Steve Gets A Message

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You arrive at the compound, after a relatively slow walk back. Tony is working on something as usual, and you can't help but wind him up-that's what little Sister's do right?

"Honeyyyy, we're hooooome", you shriek as you come through the door.

A small groan escapes Tony's lips before I hear him murmur "God help me".

"Ah don't be like that Bro!" you reply with humour in your voice.

"Fine", Tony concedes. "How was your run with Rogers?"

"Oh it was good", Steve jumps in before you can answer. "We got very sweaty, didn't we?"

Steve knew exactly what he was doing-goading Tony was one of his favourite things to do. And like a dummy, Tony took the bait. Soon they were both bickering.

You zoned out, knowing this routine well. Tony would tell Steve to keep his hands off of you, and Steve would probably come back with something like "make me".

Across the room, you spot your Sister, so go over and sit down opposite her. Like you, she has to go through the rigmarole of these two facing off, more times than you could both mention. She was fully engrossed in some paperwork, so you just said hi while rolling your eyes referring to the current bickering between her Husband and Steve, to which she replied with a small laugh and a hey back, before getting back to her work.

Those boys-they'd never change. And to be honest, you liked it like this. It felt comfortable, familiar-like home.

Later in the day, Sam and Nat, who were also Avengers, came over to the compound to discuss some mission details with Tony. Once they were done, they sat around with everyone, having some drinks and joking around.

Among the noise, you could suddenly hear a phone quietly vibrating, and, while everyone else continued with their conversations, your eyes landed on where the noise was coming from, and watched, as Steve pulled his phone from his trouser pocket.

Straight away his face fell as he silently read the message that had been sent.

"I have to go", he said, rising quickly from the chair and rushing away from the group. Everyone watched him go-no one saying anything-not wanting to pry or make a fuss.

He was your best friend, you knew you couldn't ignore this, so, standing up, you unashamedly followed after him.
After leaving through the door he'd gone through, you found him, stood on the stair level below, head in his hands, with his phone tucked under his arm as if he couldn't bear to look at it.

"Steve?" you tentatively called out.

Shaking his head, he walked away towards the bedrooms, unable to speak.

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