Chapter 4: Pepper Potts

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You leave Steve to his thoughts and go ahead to speak to Tony.  Half way there, you realise it may not be best if what Steve has said Bucky has done is that serious. 

You know the only person who will hear you out without bias is your Sister Pepper.  She may be Tony's Wife, but she respects and understands how important family is, and you know she'd figure out what to do.

"Pepper! Are you here?!" You shout into the empty room.  She emerges from a side door, worry etched on her face.  She can always read when there's something wrong, just from your tone of voice.

You tell her what Steve has told you, and how desperately he needs help.  
"I need to do what I can to help him Pep.  He would do the same for me and everyone else in this compound and I can't let him down".

Pepper agrees- "You're right, and you know I'll do my best to try and get Tony to help, but don't get your hopes up just yet.  Leave it with me."

You breathe a sigh of relief as she leaves, and just hope that Tony sees past his issues with James, and helps Steve to come to his friend's aid.

Pepper enters Stark Towers, with the same intensity and purpose that you did when you found her.  
"Tony?!" She calls.  "Are you here?  I need to speak with you!"

The sound of a chair rolling across the hard floor alerts Pepper to Tony's presence, and the handsome face of her Husband catches her eye.

"I know why you're here Pepper", he says with a shaky breath.

Pepper doesn't know what to say-she knows how stubborn her Husband can be, and if he's already worked out why she's there, then he's going to have made his mind up without hearing her side.

Shaking her head, Pepper looks down at the floor, unsure of how to respond.

"God Pepper, do you even understand how hard this is for me?!" Tony breathes, his voice breaking slightly.

Pepper swallows the lump in her throat upon hearing the emotion in her Husband's voice, and even though she knows this was always how the conversation was going to go, she also knows she can't go down without a fight.  

"For god sake Tony, of course I do-how heartless do you think I am!  But you know what-I also know the man I married-the man you truly are deep down!  Steve needs our help and- "

Tony cuts her off with the power he always seems to have, to shut down a conversation.  

"You say you know the man I am Pepper, but you're not understanding what I'm trying to say."

"I am trying Tony-I'm trying so hard, but you haven't actually explained anything", Pepper says, getting exasperated.  "You just said it's hard for you, and I understand that, but you've not given me anything else to go on!  I don't know how much anyone else knows.  But I know what this 'James' did to your parents.  You showed me!  But you also know that wasn't him deep down-you've always known."

Tony smiles slightly, which only fuels Pepper's upset more.  Before she can lay into him once again, he looks straight into her eyes and takes a breath.

"Pepper, if you just stop, you'll understand I've already decided to help Steve and James.  I'd already decided to, before you came in here in your power suit, ready for battle!"

Pepper doesn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Jesus Tony," she says as she walks towards him, arms outstretched.  "Just when I think I couldn't love you any more....."

Tony smiles as Pepper envelops him into her arms, and kisses the top of his head.  

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