Chapter 21: Deceit and Lies

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You rise from your bed following another early morning workout with Bucky.  You've both grown much closer over the last few weeks, and you're so glad you took a chance on happiness with this man.

He sits up as you walk away from him.  A single sheet draped across him, is almost enough to change your mind about getting up, but you need to get showered for the day.  

"Hey, I'm going for a shower, I don't suppose you care to join me again do you?"  You ask seductively.

Bucky doesn't need asking twice, and bounds out of bed running at you.  You squeal before attempting to escape.  Of course, he manages to catch you, and begins to lift you off the ground, before he's interrupted by his phone ringing next to the bed. 

Glancing over, he doesn't make an attempt to go and answer it, instead, gently placing you back  on your feet before lightly kissing the tip of your nose.

"Raincheck on that shower Dollface", he says lovingly.  "I've got to head out". 

"Oh, OK", you reply, confused.  "I'll see you later though yeah?"

Not hanging about he nods, while dressing quickly, grabs his phone and keys and rushes out of your door.

He's not gone for a minute before you're also throwing on clothes and trainers, and heading out after him.  You've worked with the Avengers for long enough, not to follow a hunch, and this is definitely a massive hunch.

As you speed out of the main compound doors, you catch sight of Bucky rounding a corner, and move faster to keep up with him.  Following him down a quiet street, you duck behind a wall as he turns to check to see if anyone is following him.  

As he moves on, you notice he's aiming for a doorway that leads into a dark passageway.  Hanging back slightly, you watch before following him in.

The passageway leads into one open room.  Still hiding behind a wall, you see Bucky approach a barely lit area.  From the darkness, a male voice with an accent, echoes around the space.  

"So you're finally answering my calls....."

As the figure slowly walks into the main light of the room, he finishes his sentence.

".......Winter Soldier."

You recognise the face from mission reports you've been through with the team.  Zemo is a renowned villain and has been on the run for years after being convicted of severe crimes, but managing to escape.

Bucky takes a step forward as Zemo approaches him-his serious features giving nothing away.

"It took longer that I'd anticipated it would", Bucky tells the villain.  "But it's done.  She thinks she's mine and that I'm hers."

"Good", Zemo replies.  "Now you have the girl under your control, we can finally use her to get to the Captain".

Realising what they're discussing, you forget yourself in the shock of the moment, and quietly gasp, unfortunately loud enough for them both to hear you.  As you turn and run, you hear Zemo shouting at Bucky to get after you.  HIs footsteps echo as you run into the street and away from them both.

Continuing to race away from the scene, you manage to hide behind a wall, and hear Bucky run past you.  Sinking down to the floor, your initial reaction is to cry.
Realising you now need to get to Steve to warn him, you shake your fear off.  Standing slowly, to make sure Bucky has gone for good, you turn in the opposite direction and head towards the only person you know can help you right now.  Steve.

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