Chapter 14: Steve's Mistake

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It's been three days since the battle at the compound, and luckily everyone involved appears to have gotten away without serious injury.  Everyone that is, apart from Steve.

You've been in hospital every moment with him, refusing to leave until he wakes up.  The doctors diagnosed a severe concussion and said that he's just doing what he does best-taking his sweet time to recover.  His vitals are all good, and it's just a waiting game, so that's exactly what you've been doing.

Tony has come to visit several times, but you're pretty sure, he was there more to try and convince you to leave or to eat.  You relented with the eating part, but haven't moved from Steve's room the entire time.

You're sat, staring out of the window, your tired eyes trying to close, when you hear Steve's breathing change.  He slowly moves his head, and his eyes open as he turns to face you.

"Steve!  You're awake!" You croak out.

Steve frowns as he focuses on you.  "What are you doing here?"  He asks in a whisper.

"Oh Steve I've been here the whole time waiting for you to wake up.  I'm so glad that you're OK, I've been so- "

"Stop", he says, louder than when he last spoke.  "You shouldn't be here.  You need to leave."

Your stomach falls.  Maybe he's just confused you think to yourself.  Maybe he doesn't know who you are.

"I'll get a doctor Steve, I think you're- "

"NO, just go!" Steve says, now irritated.  He turns his head to face away from you, as you hear him murmur to himself, "I'm sure Bucky is waiting."

Eyes filling with tears, you walk out of the hospital room for the first time in three days, and don't look back.

A few days later and Steve has been back at the compound recuperating after his concussion.  
As he turns over in bed, an arm snakes across his stomach.  He sighs, hands behind his head, as he thinks about what he's just done.  He looks down at the person in his bed and his stomach bottoms out.  
"You should go", he quietly says to the sedate female lying next to him.  "This was a mistake."

The female looks up at him, tracing her finger over his chest as she replies.  "Oh come on now soldier", she flirts, "that's not what you were saying last night...."

"I mean it," Steve responds.  "I shouldn't have done this."

"G'night soldier", the female replies, ignoring Steve's concerns....

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