Chapter 33: Serious Talks

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The following day, you try to speak to Steve several times, but in between calls from other members of the team, and de-briefs with Tony, he just doesn't have time to sit and have a serious conversation.

You have given up and gone to your room to read, when you hear a tap on your door.

Now clean shaven, and back in his normal clothes, Steve looks more relaxed than he did the previous evening.

"Hey," he says.  "Sorry about today-I kept coming to try and talk to you but so much had to be done before that could happen."

"It's fine," you reply.  "I get it.  If one of the Avengers goes missing presumed dead for three weeks, there's probably a fair bit of paperwork that needs doing."

Steve laughs.  

"I'm done now though.  Let's go out."

"Oh I dunno," you say nervously.  You've been in your room for the best part of three weeks, and your anxiety about losing Steve again is threatening to take over.

Steve comes closer to your bed and removes the book you're holding from your hand.  Holding his hand toward you, he speaks once again.

"We'll be fine," he says.  "Trust me?"

You take a breath before giving him your hand in return.  As you stand, you realise you're in your comfy clothes, not anything that could possibly be worn out.

"Give me ten?" You ask Steve.  "I have to change and freshen up."

Steve smiles at you as he walks slowly out of your bedroom, closing the door behind him.

20 minutes later, you both arrive at a small bar, Downtown.

Almost as soon as you're sat down with a drink, you turn to face Steve.

"I can't wait any longer to speak to you Steve.  I need to apologise.  I'm so sorry for everything that led us here.  The Bucky stuff, not listening to you, just....everything!"

"I know," Steve nods.  "But I want to apologise too."

You shake your head amused.

"Couldn't just let me take the blame on this one no?"

"Haha," he laughs in response.  "Fine, fine.  It's all on you this one then.  Happy now?"

"Oh very funny," you reply.  "It is thought-and that's not all.  When I thought I lost you Steve, my world fell apart.  It made me realise- "

"That you would kick my a*s when I came back," Steve jumps in.  "Yeahhhh I knew that!"

Rolling your eyes you try again to tell him what you've been dying to say.

"I'm trying to tell you something super serious here dumba*s!"

"I know, I'm sorry."  Steve says.  "This just isn't the place for a serious conversation is it.  Come on, let's go home."

"You are literally the most infuriating man I've ever met Steve Rogers."  You say back.

He laughs before putting his arm across your shoulders and pulling you closer to him.

As you walk home, you are quiet.  When you get home, you're going to speak to him-you're determined to finally tell him what's on your mind.

As if he has the ability to read your mind, you feel Steve's arm pull you even closer.

"I get it," he says.  "Let's get home.  We talk, and this back and forth ends tonight."

You sigh.....hoping he won't change his mind about talking or listening this time.

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