Chapter 41: Finding his girl

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Following the footage of you being held and tortured, no one has slept.  Everyone has been following leads and leading tech investigations to try and track you.

Tony calls Steve in to update him on the situation.  As Steve walks through the door, he doesn't hesitate to question Tony on his efforts.

"Have you found her?" He asks anxiously.

"I have-BUT, before you get excited...." Tony places his hand in the air before Steve can jump in. "I found her and they somehow knew.  They moved her almost as immediately as I zoned in on her.  I do think I know where they're headed though."

"Right, well I'm gonna head there now."  Steve says, already walking towards the door.

"Absolutely not." Tony stops Steve once more.  "You need to wait, we need a team-Nat isn't even here to help."

Steve doesn't stand still for long.

"Not a chance Stark," he says as he stalks off towards the exit.  

Tony knows he can't stop him-hell, he'd do the same if this was Pepper.  He'd probably do the same for you if you didn't have someone like Steve fighting your corner.

"Fine." he says through Steve's earpiece.  "I'm sending you the coordinates, but you need to keep me in the loop."

As Steve makes his way to the building Tony has sent him the information for, he looks up and sees movement in the elevator scaling the floors...
Looking back at the lobby of the first floor, he realises he's being watched, and he knows just who by,

"Errr Cap," Tony comes in through the earpiece.  "You may have a small issue.  She's being taken to the roof."

"Yeah, I noticed." Steve replies, running into the building.

As he makes his way further into the lobby, he notices the men watching him rushing into the lift.  Chasing after them, he manages to wedge the doors open with his shield before slipping in between them all.  The silence is deafening as he makes his way upwards with these heavily armed assassins.

"You don't want to do this Cap." He hears as his heart rate accelerates.

"Oh...I think I do." Steve replies, his voice unwavering and his movements stoic.

Within seconds, all hell breaks loose.  An all out fight, between Steve and the soldiers, is underway, and he finds himself overpowered, pushed against the elevator wall.  He feels a sharp shock to his side, and realises someone is holding a weapon to his back.  Remembering that you need him, he bides his time for a few seconds, before using every bit of energy he has to finally knock the last man to the ground.  A few moments later, the elevator comes to a stop at the roof.

Pushing his way through the heavy door, the first thing he hears is the sound of a helicopter.  Panic threatens to engulf him, as he sets eyes on you in the sear of the chopper.  Without thinking he rushes over to the base of it, and, as it begins to lift off, he holds onto the base and pulls it back down to the landing pad.

You have watched all of this unfold from your seat in the back, your hands tied together still, and you know that Steve has to leave you to go before he gets himself hurt.  
With all of your might, you scream at him.

"Steve, let me go!!!!!  I can't see you get hurt!"

Naturally, Steve cannot hear you over the whir of the blades and his own heart beating in his ears.  He continues to pull on the helicopter and you feel a dip in your stomach as it lowers back to the ground.  With his last bit of strength, you see him give one more huge pull, before you tip in your seat.
The noise of the blades hitting the heli-pad are ear piercing.  You are thrown around, before blackness takes over your body, and you can't keep your eyes open any longer.

The last thing you hear is Steve screaming for you......

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