Chapter 39: Getting the truth

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There's still been no sighting of you, and Steve is still beside himself with worry.  While he's working on tracking your last movements, Tony decides to help by conducting a little experiment of his own.

Finding Sharon's apartment, he waits until it's dark, and manages to gain access to her bedroom via her balcony.  Silently, he injects a small amount of sedative into her arm-enough to keep her asleep and able to be moved, but not too much that it would harm her or the baby.

Once she is out, he, with the help of Natasha, transports her to a medical office that Bruce has sent coordinates to.

Meeting Nat, Tony and a sleeping Sharon there, Bruce introduces Tony to his colleague and friend-Dr Cho.

"Tony, this is Helen.  She's one of the best in her field."

"Oh yeah," Tony says, "and what field would that be Dr Cho?"

"Ah the list is endless Mr Stark," Dr Cho replies boastfully.  "Well done on the dose of this sedative by the way-it has worked perfectly, and I can see there is no harm to the baby."

"Ah so there is actually a baby." Tony replies laughing a little.

"Haha yes Mr Stark, there is most definitely a baby.  However....."  She trails off as she uses a small instrument with a blue light on it, over Sharon's stomach.

"However......what?"  Nat asks with concern in her voice.

"Well, there is a baby," Helen says,  "'s not Steve's."

"Wait what?  How do you know that?" Nat asks dumbfounded.

Tony puts his hand up, mimicking a child in a classroom.  "I think I may know!" he says excitedly.  "High intensity DNA scanning ultrasound?"

"Spot on Mr Stark." Helen says with an impressed smile.

Nat is shocked.  

"Right," Tony begins again.  "Now we have the green light that Ms Carter here is lying through her teeth, it's time to get her back to her apartment, and to tell Steve the good news!"

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