Chapter 24: Steve's Guilt

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Upon return to the compound, it is agreed that you will be taken to the hospital for observations after your ordeal.  You're adamant you're ok, but Steve is insistent that you're not getting away with not being checked out.

He was absolutely right in his concerns, as it is revealed you are suffering from shock and exhaustion, and need to be kept in for a couple of days.

You have spent the best part of two days in and out of sleep, and each time you wake up, Steve has been in the same place-next to your bed.  

You wake up once again, stretching and yawning, and look over to your best friend.  Almost immediately, he jumps forward, stretching out his hand with a glass of water in.

"Hey, hey," he says calmly.  "Do you need water?  Or something else?!"

You smile at this action.  "I'm good thank you-you're still here then?"

Steve takes a wobbly breath and looks down at the floor before answering.

"Yeah, I'm here," he replies.

Your stomach drops, as panic threatens to engulf you.

"Steve?  What's wrong?" You ask.  "Has something else happened?"  You look around at the windows and doors in case someone is there.

"Woah, calm down, it's fine."  Steve says trying to stop your panic.  "I'm frustrated.  You should never have been in that situation, and I should've gotten to you much quicker."

You laugh in spite of the situation.  "You're joking right?  Jesus, Steve, you're my hero!  You saved me when I'd given up on any chance of being saved.  I'll never forget that and I'll never stop trying to repay you for that!"

"Well,"  Steve begins, "I'm never ever letting anything like that happen to you again.  I'm not letting you out of my sight."

You breathe out a sigh of relief.   You're safe.  And so is Steve.

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