Chapter 34: Finally...

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As you re-enter the compound, you make your excuses to go and change back into something comfier.

A little while later, you hear a tap at your door once again, and you open it, to find a very different looking Steve.

"What on earth are you wearing?"  You ask him amused.

"What?!"  He replies, with a little twirl in his step.  "You've never seen a man in a robe before?"

You shake your head while laughing, and step aside to let him in further.

He makes himself comfortable on your bed, and when you sit at the other end, you notice him looking into the distance, clearly preoccupied.

"What's on your mind Rogers?"  you ask him quietly.

He meets your eye before replying.  "You.  Me.  Us.  The time we've wasted." He replies with a tinge of sadness in his voice.

Your heart beats a little faster, happy that you're both finally happy to have a more serious conversation, but also unsure of what Steve is going to say next.

"You know," you start.  "I genuinely wish I could go back in time, and give myself a kick up my own a*s.  I've been so stupid what with Bucky, and you....."

"I'd quite like to do that too, if I'm being honest." Steve replies smirking.

"What?"  You ask.

"Kick your a*s!"  He laughs in reply.

"Oh my god Steve, you're supposed to be making me feel better, not worse!"  You say, as Steve suddenly bursts into laughter and falls back on the bed.

The sound makes your heart swell.  You never thought you'd hear his voice again, let alone his laughter.  Your throat thickens with even more unshed tears before you quietly speak again.

"You suck Rogers."

Steve continues to laugh loudly, before calming down and replying to you.

"Haha!  Way too easy to wind you up woman!   And you don't really mean that-you love me really!"

The thickness in your throat and your fast beating heart increase.  You know deep down, Steve's words have hit a nerve.

Steve misreads your response and tries to once again laugh it off.

"I'm joking!" He says.  "Come on, I'm joking!"

"The thing is", you say after swallowing the lump in your throat away.  "I don't think I am anymore Steve.  I'm not joking...."

Steve locks eyes with you, and you see him swallow too, clearly finally understanding what you mean.

He makes his way over to you, and you feel like time stands still as he gently takes you into his arms.  

Pressing his forehead against yours, he leans in slowly, until you can feel his breath on your lips.  He stills, clearly still unsure whether you're ready for what comes next.  You move further forward too, and your lips touch his.  The world around you both seems to ebb away, and everything slows, as you kiss him gently, trying to pour all of your feelings into the kiss.  After a short amount of time, you feel his hand on your cheek, and the kiss deepens further.

As he reluctantly pulls away, you realise you're both breathing heavily and that Steve is as affected by the kiss, as you were.  

"Wow Rogers,"  you breathe.  "Just wow."

Steve is still trying to catch his breath.

"I know...." He replies.  "Wow."

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