Chapter 52: Eyes on the prize

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Suited up, and ready to go, you all leave for the mission.  Your role is to find the scientist, locate the serum, hang back and wait for the rest of the team.  You're slightly put out that you won't be able to use your powers much, but you know this is the safest way for your first mission.

You hear Tony in the earpiece he gave you.

"You know what you're doing yeah?"  He asks you.

You repeat the instructions he gave you earlier, and hear the others explain what they'll be doing as well.

"Great-stay safe team!" Tony says into all communication devices.

"YEAH! Let's go team!"  You say back!

You hear Steve laugh in response to your excitement.  At least you dialed down on the whooping this time!

As you head off to find the scientist, you listen in to the others movements.

Steve throws himself over a bridge onto a moving lorry the team have identified as carrying more crates of the serum.  It needs to be intercepted before it gets to the laboratory you're heading to.  As  he hits the top of the lorry, he slides off and grips hold of the back-the doors swinging open almost throwing him off.  You hear him grunt in pain and your stomach bottoms out slightly.

"You ok Steve?"  You ask, beginning to worry about the safety aspect of this mission.

Steve is thrown back up into the air before landing down onto a ramp that has fallen open.

"I'm fine!"  He finally replies.  "Just focus on your part of the mission-ARGH!"

Nat comes into the earpiece.

"You just dropped your shield didn't you," she asks from her view from the sky.  She's being flown in, on one of Tony's jets.  "Don't worry," she says.  "I'll get it."

She drops out of the jet on the back of a motorbike, and races down the freeway closely following Steve.

"Why am I always picking up after you boys?"  She asks, laughing, as she grabs Steve's shield from the road.

You laugh to yourself-at least Nat is now with Steve.  You hear Tony speak into your earpiece again as you near the coordinates he gave you.

"Do you have eyes on the prize?"  He asks you.   "Remember though, we just want eyes-you don't go in until we get there, and you don't make your presence known, OK?"

You don't reply immediately, as you get closer to your target location, and look into what appears to be a large container, housing a laboratory.

"Errrr yeah, about that Tony."  You say, quietly.  "I think I've found him-but I also don't think this will wait for you guys to get here-I'm going to have to go in....."

The next voice you hear doesn't shock you.

"Absolutely not!" Steve shouts into your ear.  "You wait there for us to get to you, as planned!"

"Then hurry up!"  You say back, knowing full well you won't be able to do that.

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