Chapter 50: I need you

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Leaving Dr Strange's home, you call Steve.  He answers on the first ring-clearly waiting for your call.

"Hey baby, you ok?" He asks.

Just hearing his voice settles your racing heart, that is still pounding from what you witnessed earlier.

"I'm ok.  Can you come meet me though?" You say, as casually as you can.  You know Steve will know something is wrong anyway, but it wouldn't do well to panic him further.

"I'm on my way-our place?" He says, already rushing out of the door.

You confirm your meeting place and within a few minutes, you catch sight of him, marching down the street towards you.  As your eyes meet, his sadden, and his pace quickens until he's stood in front of you.

You wrap your arms tightly around him, and breathe in the scent from his chest.  He strokes your hair and kisses the top of your head.  After a minute, he quietly speaks to you.

"What happened baby?"

You don't loosen your hold on him, instead choosing to speak into his body.

"My powers....they work.  But I couldn't get them to straight away.  Dr Strange.....he had to trigger them in my subconscious.  I saw......"

Your voice trails off and you feel Steve's grip on you tighten.  Eventually he pulls away and tilts your chin up so your eyes meet his.  Pressing his forehead against yours, he then steps away slightly, shaking his head, anger clear across his face.

"This is why I didn't want you doing this alone." He says.

"Steve, look at me.  I'm fine.  I'm not hurt, it was just a shock that's all.  I needed to see you-to make sure you're actually OK, that's all." You tell him trying to calm him.

You know he doesn't believe you, but you take his hand and try and start to walk.  He doesn't move.

"Seriously Steve, stop.  I'm fine.  I just want to go home.  Please take me home?"

"I guess," he says sighing.  "So long as you really are ok?"

"I'm really OK," you say placating him.  "I'm back where I belong, with you now.  Are you ok?"

"Don't worry about me," he says with a small smile.  "I just hate the thought of you being alone and scared."

"I get that," you reply.  "But I'm now neither of those things.  Take me home honey."

He takes your hand back in his, and begins to walk back towards the compound. 

"Honey huh?"  He says with amusement in his voice.  "OK."

You laugh and snuggle into his side as you walk home, just enjoying being back with him.

Later in the evening, you're both relaxing in your room, when you feel his eyes on you.  You look up and smile at him.

"Love you.... 'Honey'" You say smiling widely.

He laughs loudly, before replying.

"I love you too Baby." he says.

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