Chapter 57: Secrets

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Since Bucky has returned, Steve has been in the best of moods, and you and him are getting on better and better as the days go by.

You've both been out on many more date nights, and tonight is no different.  During this one, although he was quiet, you kept catching him looking at you and you lost count of how many times your breath hitched, and you felt those tell-tale butterflies, in your stomach.

You barely made it back to the compound, let alone your room, before passion took over.

Steve pushes you through your door, not even bothering to turn on a light.  Kicking it closed, so you're in darkness except for the moonlight streaming through your window.

Falling backwards on your bed, Steve lands on top of you before you push him over and take control.

"Jesus Steve," you say breathlessly looking down at him, "you definitely should come with a warning."

He laughs beneath you before going back to kissing you.  You separate for a moment before beginning to shed your clothes, and then go back to sharing more perfect time with your man.

Afterwards, you're lazily laying in Steve's arms, his hand absent-mindedly stroking your shoulder.  You can hear his heart beating through his chest, and your eyes naturally close as you listen.

After a little while, you look up at him, and smile.  His hair is messy, his lips swollen, and his eyes heavy.  He looks back down at you, and keeps your eye contact for a few moments.

"You ok?"  He asks.

"Mmmmm", you say, unable to form a coherent sentence right now.

He smiles at you, before looking away, and you hear him sigh.

"What's up buttercup?"  You say with humour in your voice.

"Hmm?  Nothing."  He replies.  "I just don't want to move from here and this moment."

You frown, confused.  

"Then don't?"  You say back at him.

He laughs before going back to stroking your shoulder.

"I'd love to stay here, but I really have somewhere to be soon."  He says back.

"Do you?  Where?"  You ask.

He sits up and climbs over you, before pulling you up to a sitting position, and crouching down in front of you.  Grabbing your head in his hands, he kisses you gently but with passion.  When he pulls away, you try and catch your breath again.

"That...." you say taking one long breath in.  "....That did not in any way answer my question.  But because I am fickle, and because I love you, I will take it!  Just hurry home honey."

Steve presses his forehead against yours before gently kissing the tip of your nose and heading out of the room.

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