Chapter 7: The search for James

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Tony has managed to find out that Hydra have taken James hostage, after finding out he was in contact with Steve.  Now, all the team have to do is get to him.

Upon arriving at the coordinates the team have been briefed with, it would appear that the rescue mission won't be going as easily as they'd hoped.

Hydra have recruited many agents  over the years, and they have been made aware of the team and their intentions, so they're ready and more than capable of a strong fight.

Thor manages to take out a large portion of them using Mjoljnir, while Nat teams up with her best friend Clint using their weapons to clear another section.

"Bruce!" Nat shouts at Banner.  "It may be time to get angry!".

Not needing to be told twice, Bruce transforms into his alter ego, The Hulk, and begins swinging Hydra agents out of the way as if they were small ants in his path.

"Erm Cap", Tony says, while blasting the remaining agents out of the way.  "If you're going to go and find your friend, you may want to do it now before we're ambushed by even more of these idiots!"

"On it", responds Cap, while fending off a few agents that have made their way to him upon realising his intentions.  He swipes them away with his shield, and makes his way further towards the coordinates Tony gave him.

Entering a dark, damp warehouse, Steve thinks the mission has failed.  This area doesn't look like the place Hydra would keep someone like his friend.  In the wrong hands, under the wrong control, James 'Bucky' Barnes could be dangerous.  This was an empty room in the middle of nowhere.  Not somewhere you would hold a volatile super-soldier.

As he rounds another corner, a large machine sits in the centre of the room.  A shadowy figure, slumped forwards, comes into Steve's vision, and he can't be sure if it is who he has come for or not.  He especially cannot be sure, that the figure in question is even alive.

"Bucky", he tentatively calls.  "Is that you?"

The figure lifts their head, and Steve makes out the face of his old friend.

"S-Steve?  You came?"  Bucky replies, his voice shaking with fear and relief.

Steve smiles, shaking his head in mock disbelief.

"Why the surprise in your voice Buck?   I'm always saving your a*s!  C'mon-let's get you home".

Bucky gives Steve a small smile of gratitude, and allows him to help him stand.  

"Home", he repeats....

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