Chapter 18: Memories and Regret

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You're unsure how much time has passed since you and Steve last spoke.  You've avoided him and Natasha for days, unable to discuss what has happened.

You've spent a lot of time with Bucky, who has actually earnt the title of a distraction rather well-Nat wouldn't be amused with that joke you think to yourself.  Every evening so far, he's brought you both take-out, sat and watched your favourite movies with you, as well as other, less mundane, more energetic activities....

This evening however, Bucky had said he had errands to run, and said you should have some time to yourself.  You initially liked the idea, but now you were alone, your mind was once again racing, with thoughts of the past couple of weeks, and how much you missed your friends.

Flicking through the TV, you stumble across a movie and laugh to yourself.  Bridesmaids was not one of your favourites, but you knew who did love it-Steve.  You always make fun of him for it and it's a running joke, every time it's on.
Momentarily forgetting yourself, you go to call him to tell him that it's on, b efore quickly realising that that's not possible.

Laying your head back on your pillow, you allow your eyes to close.  And that's when memories flood into your head.

The day you first met Steve.  Pepper had brought you to work with her, and introduced you to everyone, but Steve hadn't arrived yet.  When he finally did make an appearance, you were on the level up from the main room in the compound.  He caught your eye as he walked across, before tripping on the edge of a step, and comedically falling.  You laughed so hard you cried, and when you looked back at him, he was doing the same, rolling around on the floor.  You knew from that second you'd found someone with the same humour as you.  Your friendship grew from there.

Another memory rolled in, of one of Tony's many parties.  You had walked over to Steve with a group of his friends, and he'd looked up as you approached.  Knowing you could hear him, you watched a smirk come over his face before he turned back to his friends.  "Oh here she comes", he quipped.  They all turned to face you.  "Did I tell you about the time she- " 

"Oh my god Steve, STOP!" You interrupted, panicking about what on earth he was going to say next.

He had such a way of winding you up, but at the same time could be the most amazing, caring friend.  You remember when you'd caught the flu, and he had been by your bedside more than anywhere else.  No matter how many times you told him to leave so he didn't catch it, he'd replied the same amount of times back with, "I don't care how sick you are.  I'm not going anywhere.  You can't get rid of me!"

Those words echoing in your head, you realise you've got to do something.  He said he wasn't going anywhere, and that you couldn't get rid of him, so many times in the past.  And there you were pushing him further and further away.

Deciding enough was enough, you grabbed your phone and typed out a text.

"Please meet me at 7.  Our place.  I want to sort this. Xx"

Tucking your phone under your pillow, you only wait a few seconds before receiving a reply.

"I'll be there. Xx"

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