Chapter 31: He's Gone

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Almost three weeks have passed.  Three weeks of sheer, unbreakable grief.  You have barely eaten, you've cried yourself to sleep every single night, and there is still no closure.  No body, no Steve-just numbness.

Pepper has been by your side throughout.  You can see the stress etched on her face every single day-she is helpless.  There are no answers her or Tony can give you, and she just wants to fix this, and make everything better for her little sister. 

Leaving you briefly, while you try and nap, Pepper rushes quietly into one of Tony's offices.

Upon seeing her enter, his body slumps further into the chair he is sat in.  Pepper has been in daily, just for any small snippet of news that she can give you.  Every day, there is nothing.  Today is no differerent.

Sensing his sadness and frustration, Pepper sighs.

"I need to give her something Tony." She says.  "Do you have anything?  Even something small?"

Tony doesn't even look up at his Wife before replying.

"There's nothing Pepper."  His voice wavers as he responds.

Tony's distress leaves Pepper feeling even worse.  She takes a shaky breath before blinking away tears that have once again threatened to fall.  She needs to be the strong one for everyone right now-crying won't get her anywhere.

Tony finally looks up at her.  

"I've tried everything Pep.  There's just nothing.  Every day, I hope there'll be something, but there's never any news, no sign of his body, no one has seen anything."

"I get that," Pepper responds.  "But it's just killing me seeing her like this."

"And I get that," Tony says.  "She's like a Sister to me too.  It's killing me just as much to have you upset, her upset, and have no news every single day, for both of you."

Pepper slowly walks over to her Husband, kisses his head and leaves, needing to get back to be close to you in case you need her.  You're sleeping when she returns so she leaves you and settles back on the sofa, close to your room.

Hours pass, and for once you're deeply sleeping, even if it was from crying yourself there once more.  A noise awakens you and you sit bolt upright, your focus on the door of your room.  On Pepper's request, you have kept it open since Steve left, so she can hear you through the night and get to you quickly if you need her.

As you sit up, you make out the silhouette of a large figure in the doorway.  Fear takes over you, and your heart rate accelerates, as you rub your dry, tired eyes and lean forward slightly to get a better view.

Just as you're about to scream for Tony, the figure moves forwards, coming into the dull light of your room.   Your breath hitches in your throat, as you take in the man before you.

His hair is longer, his face stubbled, but it is undoubtedly him.  Your Steve.  

"Hey."  He says gruffly.

That's all you need as confirmation that it is definitely him, and a sob expels from you.  Your hand quickly clamps down over your mouth, before any more noise can be heard, and you swear time stands still as you stare at the man you thought you'd never see again.

"Steve....."  You whisper in return.

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