Chapter 3: Steve Explains

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You follow Steve to your bedroom in silence, understanding his need to talk in private.

"Steve? What's wrong? Who was your message from?" you ask anxiously.

Steve walks over, sighing and sits next to you on your bed.
"A friend", he says, "well, and old friend. His name is James. He's in trouble and he needs my help."

You don't understand. Steve was one of the most caring, supportive men you knew. If he could even try to help, just a little, then he would. So what was stopping him now?

As if reading your mind, Steve shakes his head.
"It's not as simple as just helping him. I'd need help. I'd need Tony's help. And there's no way in hell Tony Stark will help me with this."

Confused, you frown at him. After him, Tony would be the first person you'd go to for help with anything. He'd help anyone.

"Steve why wouldn't he help?! Tony would help anyone!"

Steve rings his hands, and looks back up at you.
"James did something. Well kinda. He wasn't aware he was actually doing it at the time. It's really complicated."

You shake your head.
"No it's not. Surely Tony would understand that Steve. He'd see James wasn't himself when he did those things. C'mon. Let's go and talk to him together."

Steve's reservations are clear across his face. He honestly doesn't think that Tony will help, and without that, he cannot help his friend.

You're not taking no for an answer though.

Looking him deep in the eyes, you smile timidly.
"I'm here for you Steve. You're not alone."

You get up off of the bed, and walk to the door, looking back to see Steve give you a gentle smile of his own in acceptance of what you've said. He trusts you to help him, and you won't let him down.

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