Chapter 30: Bad News

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As both men drop to the water below, Tony has made it to the planned rendezvous he had directed Steve to.

He watches as Steve enters the water, and races after him in order to save him.  After hours of coming in and out of the depths of the sea, and not finding Steve or Bucky, Tony realises he has to give up and call this in.

"Friday, call Pepper." he says, grimacing at the name of his Wife, knowing what he is about to tell her.

The phone call connects to Pepper, who is at the compound with you, trying to keep you occupied and calm.

"Tony? Oh thank god you're ok!" Pepper exclaims as she answers his call.

"Pep, something's happened," Tony responds sadly.  "It's Cap, he's gone.  I tried to find him Pep I really did.  He's just gone.  His fight with Bucky ended badly and he fell into the sea.  I saw him fall but I just couldn't...."  His voice trails off.

Pepper cannot speak.  She takes a breath and simply tells Tony to get back to the compound as soon as he can, and, dropping to a nearby chair, she drops the phone to the floor.

As you round the corner from your room to the main seating area, you see your Sister sat down, staring into space.  You immediately know something is wrong.

"Pepper? What's happened?  Is it Tony?" You ask, panic rising.

"No," she murmurs.  "I'm so sorry, it's Steve."

Your entire body goes numb, and you're unsure how you're even still standing, as you watch your sister make her way towards you sadly.

"Nah. He's fine Pepper," you say in denial.  "He told me, didn't I tell you? He said before he left, that I couldn't tell him....he's coming back....."  The panic in your voice was increasing. "He said Pepper, HE SAID.  He can't be gone, he can't!"

Pepper says nothing, but takes you into her arms.  You sink into her body, and lay your head on your big Sister's shoulder.  Your body shakes as you sob out your distress.  

"We will find him." Pepper says.  You will get the closure you need and we will make sure you get to say goodbye properly, I promise."

Your hope is gone, and you realise this is it now, you have to say goodbye to your best friend.  

What are you going to do without him.  Your cries echo around the compound.

Across from the fight scene, hidden by trees and the devastation left, Steve's body is pulled, unmoving from the water by a metal arm.  As the wind blows leaves and dirt across his wet suit, Bucky looks down at him, takes a breath, and walks away.....

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