Chapter 38: Captured

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You've been walking for hours, dazed and confused.  The rain begins to fall and you barely notice, your tears mingling with the water from the sky.

As you approach a side street, you become acutely aware of a vehicle moving slowly behind you.  Speeding up slightly, you're about to turn back onto the main road, when you're grabbed from behind.

A large dirty hand is placed around your mouth, and you try to fight, to scream, to alert someone to come and help you.  You're dragged backwards into a waiting van, black against the fading light.  Still trying to fight, you kick out, before a piece of cloth replaces the man's hand and you start to lose energy.  As your eyes begin to close, you think of Steve, and convince yourself that he'll now be able to move on with his new family-and that he's better off without you.

Back at the compound, Sharon has just left, after Steve realised you'd left.  Thankfully, she'd understood that discussing the surprise pregnancy in this situation was not going to happen.

Steve goes to find Bruce, knowing he's good with technology in Tony's absence while he's away.  
He explains that you've left and under what circumstances and asks Bruce to see if he can find you, and whether he can find out anything about Sharon and the baby.

Bruce nods.  "With regards to Ms Carter, I have someone I think could help."

He suggests that Tony may have a tracker on you, and to give him a call.
Steve wastes no time in contacting Tony.

"Cap, what's up?" Tony asks after a few rings.

Steve explains you have gone missing and why, and asks if there's a tracker on you.

"No." Tony says sadly.  "We asked her if she wanted one and she said no.  When I tried to convince her, Pepper stepped in and told me to leave it be."

"What?!" Steve yelled back.  "So she's out there, god knows where, with god knows who, and we have no way of finding her?!"

"I'm sorry" Tony replies.  "I'm coming back, and I'll help finding her."

"Not good enough," Steve fumes.  "Tell me what I do right now though Tony, while I'm here working this out on my own!"

The silence on the other end of the phone tells Steve all he needs to know.  He is on his own with this, and he's absolutely not going to give up on getting you back where you belong.  With him.

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