Chapter 29: I Know You Bucky

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Steve, Nat and Tony head out on their mission, leaving you behind in the compound.

Little do they know, Bucky is under the control of someone else-Zemo.  He has said the words that transform Bucky into the Winter Soldier, and has given him specific instructions before fleeing the scene.

Not knowing this, Steve readies his team.  

"You both ready?"  He says in to his ear piece, while swinging his shield onto his back.

Tony comes back almost immediately, breathless and already clearly irritated.

"You're gonna have to get a head start and go in without me right now Cap.  I've got issues down here, and I'm gonna need Widow's help-whenever she decides to make an appearance."

Nat is on her way, racing through the busy streets on her motorbike.

"Shut it Stark.  I got held up, but I'm on my way.  Steve, Go.  I'll go and help the metal moron, and then we'll make it down to you.  Keep us updated all the way though ok?"

Steve agrees, and readies himself to enter the building Tony has sent him the coordinates to.

As he enters he finds Bucky standing there, almost expecting him to arrive.  As he gets closer, he realises Bucky looks how he did the day he was at the compound and you had to talk him down.

"Bucky?"  Steve calls out to his old friend.

"I'm not Bucky," comes the reply.

He runs at Steve without second thought, slamming into him and pushing him to the ground.  As Steve tries to hit back, he's repeatedly punched to the ground with Bucky's metal arm.  Steve manages to roll away from Bucky's attack, before standing and facing the soldier in front of him.

"Buck, stop!  I can help you!"  Steve shouts, trying to make his friend understand who he is.

"I have my orders," come Bucky's reply.  

He once again, runs at Steve, pushing him to a glass floor overlooking the city and a body of water.  

"Please, let me help," Steve splutters out, winded by the relentless attack.

As he is held down by Bucky's body, he looks him dead in the eye.

"I know you're in there Buck," Steve says sadly, his face bruised and bleeding.

Something comes over Bucky, as he locks eyes with his friend, and he starts to lift his body off of Steve.  It all comes too late, as the clear glass beneath them gives way, sending them both to the water below.

As Steve hits the sea, he is knocked unconscious and floats, slowly and peacefully to the bottom....

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